
Monday, April 11, 2016

Visualization Techniques

Hello everyone! A lot of people have questions about visualization, should we do it or not. Does it enhance your Reiki flow, does it help in manifestation faster, etc. I think it is really up to you whether you want to incorporate this into your practice.
I have used visualization with long distance Reiki and have also not used visualization while sending Reiki. Both work for me. But I prefer not using visualization and keeping my mind blank. Because I like to surrender my healing to Reiki.
I will be discussing whatever I know and understand about visualization. This is my personal opinion and understanding and you are free to incorporate this if you like.

I have classified visualization into three categories:

  1. Creative Visualization – You can mentally create a picture of your goal. Just like a photo frame and freeze it in your mind. You need to see this photo frame everyday and send Reiki to this image. You can use any affirmation with this such as “This goal is manifested in the way I am seeing it in my mind.” Send Reiki to this intention a few times a week or for a month and see how it works.
  2. Beaming – This is an easy and effective method of healing as it enhances the Reiki flow. Simply visualize light coming out of your hands or third eye and going to the particular person or situation. If you want to shield someone you need to beam light and visualize it around the person.
  3. Nothingness / Blank Visualization – this is not visualization , it is a state of being. It is simply staring at nothing, keeping your mind blank and being in a state of nothingness. You just go deep within and keep sending Reiki to your intention. This can be achieved if you are able to keep your mind non distracted. If your mind tends to chatter then probably the previous two techniques will be good for you.
No matter whichever visualization method you choose, it is your intention that needs to be strong. Visualization nurtures your healing. Try not to focus on too many techniques or making your healing complicated by using too many symbols or too many affirmations. These are all good practices, but if you focus more on techniques your intention starts to weaken. Keep it simple, work with one technique for healing one goal, it will work well.

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