
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cutting Cords with Reiki

When the light comes in, the first thing that we see is the mess we have created. Once we start to see the damage we have let people make in our lives so far, we naturally want to cut off. But when we really start looking at the situation carefully, we understand it’s not just about removing them from our lives – it is about removing them from our minds.

The cord cutting procedure is very simple:

  • Create a sacred space. You could light a few lamps or candles – lamps with cow’s ghee or sesame oil are said to be the most sattvik. Flowers would be good, incense if you like it.
  • Start by observing your breath and entering a meditative space.
  • Now imagine yourself in a circle, with the person sitting in front of you, also inside the circle. Slowly allow yourself become aware of the cords attaching the two of you.
  • Pick one cord at a time, and ask yourself why you allowed this attachment to form. What was the fear that caused it, and what was the benefit you gained.
  • It may be a good idea to ask the other person if they have anything to add. If you can seek permission from the other person before cutting every cord and find out why, if they resist, and resolve that issue, then the cord cutting will bring you much more benefit.
  • Once the reason for the presence of the cord is resolved, it may disappear by itself. If not, allow your intuition to guide you to the best way of cutting this cord. Once the cord is cut, burn the remains.
  • Thank the person for teaching you valuable lessons, and ask them to leave the circle.
  • Complete the process by doing a full self healing. Cord cutting can sometimes leave a little soreness in the aura, and this will heal any wounds.
This process is best done at dusk time.

A few things to keep in mind:

Sometimes the revelation, that it was our own fears strengthening these bonds, can be quite disturbing. If this is the case, I suggest that you let go of the idea of cutting cords for a few days, and allow Reiki to heal the resistance to these emotions, first.
If there are too many cords, you can repeat this process for a few days until all cords are cut. Sometimes one finds cords reappearing – this means it is a deep issue and needs more healing.
It is possible to cut cords without finding out the reasons and resolving them as well. However, the external world is nothing but a reflection of our inner selves, and blindly cutting cords might cause the same pattern to repeat again with another person. Ultimately, you chose to form those cords at a subconscious level. If you remove the reason, the problem heals more deeply.

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