
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reiki and Electronics

When I first completed my Reiki 1 training, the energy was amazing and the feeling was electric. I drove home on a high, even though we’d all been grounded before getting into our cars. The natural high was still there, and I was excited and felt amazing.
I wanted to share my experience with the world and so the first thing I did when I arrived home was get on the computer to email everyone I knew, about this new and wonderful course I’d done in Reiki!! Low and behold, the computer blew up. It wasn’t a big bang with smoke pouring out. It was nothing as dramatic as that – it was a gentle break down with all the electrics seizing and fizzling. The computer well and truly died, with us having to buy a new one. I received instructions from my husband to “not use the computer after doing your energy stuff”.

From that experience I am cautious about what electronics I come into contact with after giving a Reiki treatment and attunements to others. The energy generated with Reiki is amazing and profound, and does affect electronics. Since ruining our computer I discovered just how powerful the energy can be… however I have also come to realise that Reiki can be used to assist and help electronics

I know that sounds a little bit strange; however I have used Reiki energy on my computer with the opposite affect to destroying it. One morning I woke to find the computer was slow and sluggish and the internet connection was cutting in and out. This was so very frustrating when I run a business and had emails to answer and skype sessions to conduct. I was becoming agitated. So I stopped, took a deep breath, and did a quick self-reiki treatment on me (to ground again and to centre myself)… and then I performed a Reiki treatment over and around the computer – from about 10 feet away. I didn’t want to ‘fry’ it as I had done in my earlier experience with Reiki and electronics.
This was an amazing experience. I even did my invocation to start with, and then I simply sent gentle reiki energy into the computer and the modem. I used some of the Reiki symbols and hoped (without really know if this experiment would work or not) that the issues I was experiencing would rectify. If it was in my highest interest and above then I believed it would. If for some reason it didn’t work, then maybe that was a sign I had to slow down and take some time out.
Well the results were astonishing. Right after I performed the Reiki treatment on the electronics, I left the room and gave it some time to balance. I made a glorious cup of green tea with honey, and on my return – the computer was functioning and the internet was stable. I was astounded. Even though I’m fully aware of the power and the magic of Reiki, this was a new experience for me. Using the energy with electronics in a positive and helpful manner was novel and fresh to me. I’d never considered it before until I was pushed beyond frustration.
Now that I know it can and does have positive influence over electronics, I have used this technique on things such as the toaster and microwaves as well. Please always keep safe and don’t do anything that could cause electrocution, injury or even death. The most important thing is for you to keep safe. Only use this technique from a distance and never lay your hands on any electrical item as you give Reiki (as a safety precaution).
I hope you have enjoyed this article, demonstrating that Reiki can be used in such an immense number of ways. It’s so magical and amazing and I am learning something new every single day with this beautiful modality.
Love, light and harmony.


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