The universe is beautiful. One can understand the macrocosm by studying the microcosm, and the microcosm by studying the macrocosm. The study of astrology therefore, is really just a practice of looking at the macrocosm to gain a deeper understanding of the microcosm – i.e., to understand more deeply the factors influencing the mind so that it may be easier to transcend them.
As the planets revolve around the sun in orbits of different sizes at different speeds, it sometimes seems as if a planet has temporarily changed direction. This is called retrograde. Astrologically, this causes the energies related to that planet to turn inward and become more subjective. Retrogrades operate through multiple dimensions at the same time. Thus, the person may feel lost or ungrounded, based on which sign the retrograding planet is in.
Retrograding planets can seem scary to some as it tends to throw man into the more primitive parts of himself where his struggle for survival may become more important than spiritual fulfillment. When taken in the right spirit, retrogrades can bring about deep spiritual growth and help to release blocks.
After more than a decade, we’re having 5 planets simultaneously in retrograde, from 28th April to 9th May. Jupiter was the first to turn retrograde this year on Jan 7. Many people I know felt the effects even before this began, from December end onwards. Saturn followed suit on March 25, Mars on April 17, Pluto on April 18, and on April 28, Mercury as well.
What does this mean?
How it all affects an individual is much clearer in their personal chart, but there are some general influences that we can prepare for.
Jupiter retrograde (7 Jan to 9 May) abruptly stops expansion or growth and external support is taken away, leaving you to turn inwards for support and inspiration. That which you have been clinging on to against your best interests, will be taken away during this period.
Saturn retrograde (25 Mar to 13 Aug) brings delays and hindrances, and there is a need to put in more effort for everything than usually required. Saturn helps annihilate the ego, and this period is meant to being about a revaluation of your plans and your ideas of your ‘self’ and the world.
Mars retrograde (17 Apr to 19 Jun) brings aggression and impulsiveness, so it is important to be watchful of words and actions. It can confuse desires, and a closer look at your ambitions is required.
Pluto retrograde (18 Apr to 27 Sep) intensifies your search for inner truth and peace. It is a good time for cleansing rituals. Your faith may be tested, and you may question your most basic assumptions about life, initially not knowing who or what to trust. True spiritual growth requires redefinition.
ercury retrograde (28 Apr to 22 May) often messes with communication so be careful what you say, and what you think you hear.
What can I do about it?
Just a single planet in retrograde can make things difficult.ow we have five and this can be quite unsettling even if you have been working steadily on yourself.
- Needless to say, a strong practice is a must. Quit using shortcuts. Make sure you heal all your chakras front as well as back (important because suppressed emotions are stored here) every day. Reiki practice goes a long way in minimizing the upsets caused by planetary positions.
- If it is not possible to meditate every day, try at least doing it once or twice a week, or on Full and New moons.
- Spend time in nature, be very particular about remaining firmly grounded. A firm grounding prevents the mind from wavering with the whims of errant thoughts. If you can avoid overestimating yourself through electronic devices and avoid junk food, that will go a long way in helping you stabilize.
- Writing a journal or meeting in groups can also help clear your mind and help you see more clearly.
I cannot stress enough on the importance of a steady practice and grounding exercises. If these are part of your daily routine, you will find yourself much more at ease with the storm that rages inside – and maybe also outside.
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