Have you ever walked into a room and felt an instant ‘change’ in atmosphere? Like you could cut it with a knife, as the old cliché says. Well, it’s likely because heavy energy is still lingering. If someone has been in a raging argument; or someone has been ill or even passed away in the room, then heavy energy could still be there. It can also linger in a room where your phone is located (if you have received bad news.) The “emotion” is what creates the energy imprint and what others feel when they walk into the room.
I know firsthand all about this heavy energy. Recently my husband and I spent nearly $20K on our bathroom ensuite – having it updated and upgraded. Goodness gracious me. What a nightmare that turned out to be.
The company sent in a carpenter to do tiling work, and he botched it up, big time! He didn’t match the grout lines and so we had lines going all over the place. He didn’t have the tiles flush or flat, and so the tiles were jaggered with some set deeply and others sticking out. It was horrendous. Twice we had to fight to have them removed and done again. It’s been a very stressful and heart wrenching experience.
So, as you can imagine the ‘energy’ in the ensuite and the bedroom has been heavy, due to stress, tears and frustrations. My husband and I (more me than him) have done a lot of crying over the poor workmanship and the poor attitude of the builders. We have been angry, resentful and bitter. The amount of money we have invested into having our outdated and dysfunctional ensuite upgraded, and being left with a disgraceful job was infuriating. We were left with a big fight on our hands. It’s no wonder the energy in there was toxic, permeating throughout the entire house.
Had I given it thought beforehand, I would have sent Reiki throughout the entire house on the day of construction and every day the workers were here. I never gave it a thought, and instead I had heavy energy to clear once they finished the job to a standard we could accept.
Every single room of the house was cleared. Not just the ensuite and bedroom, but every room of the house, even outside on the verandas and the garden as well. So how did I clear the energy in my house?
Every section of my home was ‘cleared’ by using these powerful tools:
• The Reiki symbols: I used whatever Reiki symbols I was drawn to, whether these were traditional or non-traditional symbols, and I allowed the Reiki to flow through them and into the space, each corner, the walls, floor and ceiling.
• Sound: I used chanting and a mantra over and over again “Dear angels in love and light, please clear the energy of this room. Please help me to accept the bathroom exactly the way it is. Thank you.”
• Smells: I used an incense stick, and drew my symbols with it, so there was a double purpose…1. The smell and 2. To draw the Reiki symbols.
• Air and sunlight: I opened all doors and windows, to allow in fresh air and sunlight to cleanse the room. Nothing is quite as refreshing, cleansing and healing as natural sunlight.
• Colours: I also used colour to help cleanse my house. How I did this, is when I drew the Reiki symbols with my incense stick, I also visualised the symbol as a certain colour. In this particular case I used purple and pure white. So when drawn, the Reiki symbol radiates through the entire room in a glorious white or purple. It’s divine and magnificent.
Here is a photo of me doing my ‘clearing’ of the house using incense as a ‘wand’
There is no set limit of how many times you need to draw the symbols or how many times you need to say your mantra or prayer, or how many times you need to wave the incense around the room. Always, always use your intuition and when the room feels ‘lighter’ move on to the next room.
After I went through every room of our house, the energy felt much calmer and more relaxed and hubby and I were able to accept the bathroom ensuite as it was, and let go of all our anger and frustrations. All that pent up and horrible energy, after the ‘battle’ we had with the builders, seemed to just dissipate and leave once I’d been through the house doing my clearing ritual.
By clearing the entire house and including the yard and veranda, lifted the residual energy to a higher vibration so that no trace of the dense or heavy energy created by the builders and the situation was left. “Ahhhh” what a lovely feeling! It’s much nicer to come home to a ‘light’ feeling house, rather than one where anger and bitterness can be felt, without a word being spoken.
I encourage everyone to ‘clear’ their homes/offices/anywhere that you spend time, as often as you deem necessary. I’m going to form a new habit of doing it once a week. Just to clear out any tensions or stresses that have built up over the week.
In my tarot and Reiki work areas, I do a clearing every day and after each client has left, so that the energy is clear for the next client. Now I will do my entire house once a week as well. Reiki energy is so lovely and so light, that I’m surprised I haven’t been doing it more regularly around the home.
Enjoy clearing your special and meaningful places, and I hope this article has helped.
With love, light and harmony.
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