
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dolphin Reiki

Dolphin Reiki was created by Mark Scott. Dolphins are considered to be master healers. They are here to help us and guide us. Reiki is a life force energy; In Dolphin Reiki, life force energy comes directly from Dolphins. Dolphins have the ability to communicate on a higher spiritual level. Dolphins helps accepting and releasing negative emotions. When we hold on to pain and negative emotions, we build up emotional and physical problems for us. You don’t need to be in presence of a Dolphin to be healed by them. Some even consider Dolphins equal to Ascended Masters and Archangels. Dolphins are also called angels of the sea.
In Dolphin Reiki, energy is transferred to someone by simply laying your hands on them or by distant healing. Dolphin Reiki heals the person as a whole: body, mind, emotion and soul. To activate Dolphin Reiki, simply state“Dolphin Reiki” three times and say“Dolphins, I call upon you to be with me and help me heal ________ (person’s name)”. The person who is getting healed by Dolphin Reiki may feel joyful, playful and peaceful and may feel engulfed in loving energies. A healing session may last about 30 minutes. Dolphins know exactly where the healing should go- body, mind, emotion or soul. You can call upon Dolphins even when using other healing modalities.
A Dolphin Reiki practitioner can also heal through breathing along with hand placement or directly blowing on the affected area to be healed. Activate Dolphin Reiki, inhale through nose, state your intention in mind and blow on affected area or organ through mouth. A client may be asked to use their own breathing exercise by inhaling through nose, imagining affected area is healed by Dolphin, and exhale through mouth.


Place your hand on heart chakra. Activate Dolphin Reiki by saying “Dolphin Reiki” three times with the intention that all negativity be removed and all disease be healed.

Distant Healing

Use any distant healing method. Call upon Dolphin and connect to Dolphin Reiki stating“Dolphin, I ask you to bless _________ (person’s name) with your presence during healing ____________ issues. Send healing for 15-20 minutes.

Fear Release

Sit or lie down. Take few deep breathes. Activate Dolphin Reiki and wait for a minute. You may or may not feel some soft vibrations. Mentally say, “Dolphin, I ask you to remove all the fear buried deep within me across all lives”. Let the energy flow for 15-20 minutes. Imagine your body is swept by sparkling pure white water, sweeping away all negativity, blockages and fears.

Chakras Cleansing

Sit or lie down. Take few deep breathes. Activate Dolphin Reiki and wait for a minute. You may or may not feel some soft vibrations. Bring your attention to root chakra. Mentally say,“Dolphin, please remove all imbalanced energies, negative vibes, fears, dust and debris buried deep within my root chakra”. Let the energy flow for 3-5 minutes. Imagine your body is swept by sparkling pure white water, unblocking and cleansing root chakra. Do the same procedure for all the chakras. You will feel joyful and refreshed after this session.

Benefits of Dolphin Reiki:

  •  Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing
  •  Greater self-love
  •  Greater self-acceptance
  •  Loving relationships
  •  Lesser fear
  •  Deep inner joy
  •  Peaceful mind
  •  Manifestation of your deepest desires and more…
For any of the above given method, you can merge other Reiki symbols too.

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