
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Is Reiki ‘All in Your Head’?

In Western society, we are very protective of the scientific approach and insist that all things be looked at in an intensely logically manner. Science has greatly benefitted the world and is a wonderful tool. However, there is almost a fear of not seeing things through the filter of the hyper critical, extremely logical mind. This approach misses entire areas of the brain. It leaves out intuitive thinking, intention and emotion. In fact, it completely negates their importance in the scientific process, when these things likely play more of a role in the way the world functions than simple logic, facts and figures, more than things that can be directly seen, touched and easily measured. You may have heard the phrase ‘not seeing the forest for the trees’. To me, this stiff approach is much like only seeing a single vein on a single leaf on a single tree and missing the entirety of the rest of the forest.
I often hear very scientific types say they are not satisfied with the evidence that has been shown in studies that Reiki is effective in helping in the care and treatment of illness, pain or immune function. There are a number of studies that show its effectiveness, and more are being completed all the time. However, very scientific people prefer studies that show a specific thing being effective in a specific way, preferably in a laboratory setting. This is not very testable with something like Reiki.
Reiki is done through intention, using the natural healing life force energy that is all around us and in us. Very little is scientifically known about how intention works or how it effects the outcome of studies, though what little is known has created some issues for researchers in other studies. It is difficult to examine the validity of the results of a study where the outcome is said to be determined by intention. How do you research intention? Or prove it? Do the researchers’ intentions affect the outcome as well?

I am asked quite often if Reiki is “all in people’s heads”. This question doesn’t offend me at all. I know the mind is quite powerful. Intention is quite powerful. That isn’t something to be defensive about. It is something to embrace fully! It makes no difference to me if someone wants to see Reiki as being “all in my head.” That doesn’t make it less real. Everything starts in your head, with an intention. And then it makes its way into reality. The people asking this question simply don’t understand this yet. This is understandable because most people rarely do the things in their lives with purposeful intention. The intentions are there, but they aren’t aware of them and don’t choose them.It is becoming fairly accepted by more and more in the medical community that Reiki does no harm and that it helps to relieve pain at the very least, and seems to balance the immune system and calm side effects of surgery and chemotherapy drugs in most cases as well. However, many lay people and scientific types as well still wonder if it is simply a placebo effect. And that is considered to be a negative, unscientific thing. Yet, I have always wondered, if it works and it’s safe, what difference does it make what you call it?
Reiki is a method of consciously and purposely aligning with kind and loving healing energies so that those energies may assist someone in finding their best possible version of themselves, body, mind and spirit. It relieves pain, it eases depression, it boosts the healing response. I think it would be really great if more “proofs” were seen, but truly, as long as it keeps helping people, I don’t care if it’s called a placebo. The healing is real, no matter where it is said to come from.

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