
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Earth Laughs in Flowers

Flowers are an extension of Mother Nature reminding us of how beautiful life is. Flowers teach us life’s most valuable lessons – life is short, smile all you can, spread your happiness around, make that divine happiness infectious, competition takes you nowhere great, do good karma and keep quiet you need not shout from rooftops of all the good karma you generate, live life to the lees. Seldom have we spent as much time with Nature to understand what she teaches, despite being a Reiki channel! It took a whole world of unhappy experience to understand the power of flowers.
Let’s relate a case study of David to get to the point:
In his sixties, Uncle David (name changed) stays all by himself. Helpful beyond my imagination and a joyous fellow he is. I knew him for a while and would visit him often; we bond like father and son. Every time I visited his residence I always felt uncomfortable and drained out; something never felt right about the energy. I could never point out exactly what is. I would try out Reiki sessions with him but he did not really feel strongly about it.
Last year, he was hospitalized with meningitis and the doctors somehow could not be sure of a possible mode of therapy! Feeling desperate to be of some help after grounding and shielding, I channelled Reiki. In about two minutes I felt a sharp, heavy rod pierce through my hand. Not only did I have to stop but the pain continued for three days. Fellow Reiki channels that I had requested for help too had weird visions, dreams or incidents during the healing.
So for about next four months, Reiki channels from my city would meet up weekly and scan, shield, pray, channel Reiki for his recovery and protection. We would sit up to form the white circle and channel Reiki through us to him and his residence; we all had come to a realization that block resulted from an unknown force at his residence. After another month, finally we all felt the veil drop and Reiki flow felt unhindered. Uncle David returned home with severe muscle dystrophy.
And that’s exactly when my dad remembered an astrologer, Shang (name changed) with a keen ‘sensitivity’ of negative forces and volunteered to be of help. Shang, the clairvoyant one on his very first step into the premises of Uncle David’s residence pointed out the negative force in the backyard hexed by someone uncle knew. The only layer of protection around the cursed spot was the dominantly growing creeper – Clitoria ternatea or Aparjita or Butterfly pea or Shankupushpam or mussel-shell climber or pigeon wings.

So what is it about Butterfly pea?

Aparajita flowers are luminescent blue with light yellow core and have been used in Ayurveda for various health benefits. They are found mostly in tropical regions of Asian continent and are believed to be a native of Asia.


The plant’s roots are specially used in leucoderma. It alleviates swelling and pain and has haemostatic action hence it is used in piles. Leaf juice is used as nasal drops in headache. The flower has a tranquillizing effect in the brain and is a mild laxative. It also is a blood purifier, an expectorant, it heals dysuria, is helpful in increasing sperm count and has an overall cooling effect in the body (very useful during fever).


  1. Aparajita flowers symbolize a perfect attachment to the Divine.
  2. Sri Aurobindo said that this flower is part of the Radha’s consciousness who is the personification of the absolute love of the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical. (Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. Vol. 23. Letters on Yoga, P2-3)
  3. There are various descriptions of the personification of Aparajita in the form of a deity, who is identified as ‘She who cannot be conquered’.
  4. There are elaborate rituals in the Hindu belief system, wherein this flower is used for the worship of the Goddess Durga and Lord Shiva who are a personification of the destroyer of evil.
Reiki is a wholesome approach in our journey towards soul evolution. The mysteries of the cosmos no matter how much we read and try to comprehend is sometimes beyond our understanding. We, Reiki channels, should never STOP learning and applying every little understanding that we have.

As Reiki channels we can always :

  1. Have our own Reiki garden. Plant flowers and trees, if possible, that adds to the positive vibrations in our space. (Will work on coming up with more important flowers and plants that energize and cleanse our space in another article)
  2. Plant Aparajita creepers in our garden. After Uncle David’s incident most of his and our family members have a dense growth of Aparajita in our garden. Tell you what, the energy feels awesome.
  3. If you can buy the flower from a local market, you can always use it to decorate or as an offering in your Reiki altar, Goddess Kwan Yin loves it. Its presence is Divine.
  4. Conduct Reiki meditation session wherein we connect to the essence of the flower. Please do this, all you need to do is connect to the essence of Aparajita with HSZSN and invite the energy of purification within you and simply be. Do post and let me know how it feels.

After note:

  1. Shang simply prayed, connected to the Divine and sent the dark force to another realm, as he said.
  2. Uncle David is back on his feet and healthy.
  3. The incident brought our families closer. It somehow even reminded us how transient life can be. Grudges can go to the bin.
  4. He connected to all his relatives and family members. In a way the blessing in disguise was family re-union on a healthier note.
  5. Energy in his residence is lighter and calm.
  6. Reiki sessions are somewhat regular at his residence now. Not a channel but now is a strong believer in Reiki.
  7. It will be unfair on my part not to mention that Pranic healing was also carried out during his hospital stay and sessions of Goddess Durga invocations were carried out by a number Shivyogis.

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