Psychic Surgery is removing negative energies and blocks from the aura and the body. It is a non-invasive method where the healer can actually pull out negative thought pattern, deep blocks, trauma etc. from the psyche of the patient.
It is taught in the Master degree in Reiki and though it is not a part of traditional Reiki, it works extremely well with it.
Blockages in the aura or chakras can cause physical or emotional diseases. Reiki Psychic Surgery is an effective way of removing these blockages and healing the body and mind of the patient.
The most traditional method to perform psychic surgery is using extended Reiki Fingers which I find too complicated; hence I devised my own method, which works well for me. I have been healing a lot of clients successfully with this method and the desired results have been felt by my clients.
- Make the client lie on the table or if a distance psychic surgery is to be done then connect to the client using the Distance Healing Symbol.
- Ground yourself by drawing the power symbol below both your feet and on the 7 main Chakras of your body, this will act as your shield. Do the same for your client.
- Call upon Reiki Masters, Guides, Angels, Archangels, or just connect to your higher self to guide you through the surgery and state the intention before starting the procedure. I also invoke St. Germain and his violet flame to purge the negative energies I pull out of the client.
- Do a Byosen Scan on the client; your hand will automatically stop wherever there is depleted energy or a blockage. Start healing that particular place with the white light. I often sense or see the impurities in the form of net, knives, ropes, pebbles, chord, tar etc. Scrape or pull them out and throw them into the violet flame. Keep doing this till the energy does not feel dense in that particular area.
- Once the surgery is completed, pass white light on the whole body, and close the surgery by covering the clients body with golden Power symbol.
- Thank the Reiki Master, Guides, Angels, Archangels, God or the higher self (whoever was invoked during the surgery) for their presence and guidance.
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