Setting healthy boundaries with people is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It is empowering, is a form of self-love, is a form of self-respect, is a part of your self-esteem and can help you quickly ditch the negativity in your life. The power of using Reiki to help set these boundaries is nothing short of magical.
Have you ever noticed how you feel when people force their own opinions and ideals on you, have no boundaries of their own, and expect you to be at their beck and call?
These people feel that things need to happen in your life how they want. They may even try manipulation, guilt or scare tactics when they feel their control over you is slipping or face resistance from you of any kind.
A classic example of this is what I call the Adult Toddler Tantrum in which an adult will jump up and down and scream and yell thinking that you will back down and shy away from standing up for yourself. Usually, when this happens you are left feeling upset, unbalanced, feel taken advantage of and can easily slip into a negative place. Especially if you feel you have no choice but to remain in contact with these types of people for one reason or another. These people may be acquaintances, friends, or even family. They are suffering from their own insecurities and issues and being in control of you makes them feel better or deflects from them having to fix their own issues. Please remember that you teach people how to treat you. Instead of allowing yourself to be sucked into a bad place teach them that you love and respect yourself. You are in charge of your own life and how you will be living it. Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder.
Please remember that you teach people how to treat you. Instead of allowing yourself to be sucked into a bad place teach them that you love and respect yourself. You are in charge of your own life and how you will be living it. Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder.
Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder!
Reiki is an amazing tool to use when learning how to set healthy boundaries with people. It is peaceful, loving, and all knowing. However, my favorite part is that Reiki only works for the greatest good of all. You don’t have to worry about ego bringing about false results. We as Reiki Practitioners are simply the vessel that the Reiki energy flows through. Because of that we can just sit back and let the awesome power of Reiki lead the way to improving our lives.
Different ways to set healthy boundaries with Reiki:
- The Direct Approach: For setting healthy boundaries with people who make you uncomfortable first set a meeting time with that person to talk and then send distance Reiki to the future time. Do this by simply making the distance symbol and beaming Reiki to it for a few min. When the time comes make a power or master symbol over your Throat chakra before speaking to this person. This will help you to speak clearly and peacefully. The greatest good will occur.
- Learn to say NO. Saying no is not selfish. It teaches other’s that you are in charge of yourself and love and respect yourself. To help you do this envision yourself standing in front of a crowd of people. They are asking you uncomfortable questions in which you want to respond no to. Make a Master or Power symbol over this bubble. Then answer each person nicely, directly and firmly with a simple, “No.” No explanation is needed. Allow yourself to feel how empowered you feel responding this way. Sit in this feeling of empowerment for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Once you have practiced this a few times start using this approach in real life.
- Distance Approach: If you do not want to speak with someone directly picture a bubble of white light in front of you. Envision that you and this person are both in the bubble together having a peaceful conversation. You are telling them what you are ok and not ok with nicely. Make a Master or Power symbol on this bubble and beam Reiki to it for a few minutes. Notice how things may start to slowly change with this person out of nowhere. Doorways may suddenly open up to where peaceful conversations may be had. Be real in these peaceful conversations and let people know what you are and are not ok with.
- The Fast Cleanse Approach: If you have tried different methods and nothing works allow yourself to completely let go. Sometimes some of the greatest lessons in our life are how to let go of people and move on to our own better place. Parting from them allows someone better to come in and take their place. Write their name down on a piece of paper. Make a grounding symbol over it and throw the piece of paper in the trash can. Say, “I release this person and attached emotions from my life with love and peace.” You may do this exact same thing but put their name in a glass jar with salt. Make the same statement as above, make a Master or Power symbol over the jar and beam Reiki to it for a few minutes. Then, simply toss the whole jar in the trash can. You are free!
Setting healthy boundaries is not a selfish act. It is an act of love for yourself and for others. People that cannot respect your boundaries do not respect you. This is true of family members as well. Do not let a label such as mother, brother or aunt keep you from loving and respecting yourself. Reiki opens doors, carries love and is always for the greatest good of all. Allow it to help bring healthy boundaries to your world.
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