
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Reiki for Couples

Offering Reiki to couples is another way of bringing healing to our clients. All you need is two Reiki practitioners, two tables and good intentions.
My husband (also a Reiki Master) and I have been offering this treatment option for several years. The way we organize the session is to create a peaceful, loving environment, complete with candles, soothing music and soft sheets. We place the tables somewhat apart from each other, with a screen between them.
Each client completes the brief consent and intake form. We talk to them together to explain Reiki, how the session will occur and to answer any questions. It is not unusual for one person to have already experienced Reiki, and the other one not. One aspect that my husband and I are modeling is being open and comfortable with discussing Reiki together.
We take turns explaining that about three-fourths of the time will be spent on each individual. Then, we will sit beyond the screen and send Reiki to the relationship itself, for the remaining portion of the session. In a way, there are “three persons” in the room – the independent partners and the interdependent relationship. Often, the unresolved issues of each partner is the cause of discord in relationships.
Each partner chooses a table, and in essence, choosing if they want to receive Reiki from my husband or me. Again, both of us ask each one separately if there are any other questions. We speak quietly, and with the music playing, one cannot hear what his/her partner is saying. After the client is comfortable, we silently set our intentions to heal whatever is needed to bring the highest good to the relationship. Both of us are able to see the wall clock, and we know approximately what time we need to end the individual’s portion of the treatment.

Silently, we walk to our chairs, set another intention for the highest good of the relationship and finish the session. Each of us will quietly walk to the tables and gently let our clients know the session has ended. We ask if there is anything they need to tell us, briefly, before the four of us meet together. While we want to encourage communication between the couple, it is also necessary to give them an opportunity to share something individually, if needed.
The couples’ conversation may be the most important aspect of the treatment! There is a palpable excitement between the partners, talking about the energies and emotions they had. We see many smiles, eye connections, and loving touches. We hear lots of “wow’s”“unbelievable’s”, and “we’ll definitely do this again.” Even those who have experienced Reiki previously report a more powerful experience; we attribute this to sharing the experience with the person they love the most, and receiving Reiki for the relationship itself.
Reiki challenges us to be creative in the many ways it can be utilized, while staying within the realms of practicing Reiki with integrity and purpose. Receiving massages as a couple is very common – it is relaxing and can bring feelings of harmony to a couple. Why not Reiki for couples? We believe Reiki can bring a deeper level of healing to relationships, by healing aspects of each person, and bringing healing to the interactions within the relationship.
If you are interested in doing this work, but practice alone, find another practitioner who would be willing to work with you to offer these treatments. It will be important to make sure you agree philosophically and resonate energetically. Work out all the minor details and present as an unified team – you do not have to be a couple, to work with couples!
As we all know, world peace will begin within our hearts, grow within our homes and expand out to the rest of the world. Perhaps, Reiki for couples may be one of the most powerful ways to create peace in our world.

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