
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Reiki for Couples

Reiki is wonderful for bringing in greater harmony and love between couples. Here are a few things we can do to improve relationships. Bear in mind though, that it is important to respect the law of free will in healing – you cannot try to form a connection with a person who is not interested without creating problems in your own energy and theirs.
If a couple is going through a difficult phase, the first place that shows energy disturbances is the bedroom. If the bedroom is messy, clean it up, either by yourself or with help from a friend. Cleanse the bedroom energetically as well. You could buy a small rose quartz ball and place it near the bed for additional energetic support. Make sure to cleanse it regularly though.
Almost all relationship problems happen due to a lack of proper communication, and with couples, also the lack of intimacy. Both the issues can be healed through meditation.
Communication problems are a result of improper listening, and this happens because we are carrying too much pain inside to be able to really listen to what the partner is saying. A problem always exists on both sides, and if there is a problem in the relationship that you seek to heal, lead by example.

Here’s how you can clear yourself so that you can listen better.

  •  Sit comfortably and enter a meditative state
  •  Become aware of all the things you dislike about your partner
  •  Become aware of how these are just your feelings, and that you are refusing to accept your partner as he or she is in this moment.
  •  Imagine the emotional healing symbol over your whole body a few times, requesting Reiki to completely heal and resolve your emotions. When those feelings aren’t strong anymore, or have completely disappeared, you are done.
  •  Make sure you also heal your ears regularly as part of your daily self-healing.
  • Lack of intimacy is a result of many problems. If stress is the main cause, then it is very important to make sure that your daily self-healing is regular, and if your partner is not a channel, give him or her a regular healing as well.
    To connect more deeply with your spouse, ask him or her to sit in front of you, and draw the distant healing symbol a few times between the two of you, till you feel a connection. Once this happens, draw the emotional healing symbol on both of you and request Reiki to heal all emotions. Finally, end with the power symbol to seal the connection between the two of you.
  • If your partner is also a Reiki channel and is happy to participate, one wonderful thing to do regularly is to sit facing each other and practice flooding each other with plenty of loving energy. You could do this just before the exercise mentioned above.
    Note: If you haven’t been attuned to the symbols, just request Reiki to do what is required. For example, instead of using a symbol to resolve emotions, simply request Reiki to resolve all the emotions. That will work just fine.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Violet Flame is a magnificent healing tool. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. It can help us feel stronger in all ways- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Keep in mind that the Violet Flame brings about deep and intense healing. It would be wise to use it only when you feel the need for deeper healing and cleansing. At most other times, it would suffice to stick with gentler energies such as Reiki and pink light. As always, you must trust your intuition and work with violet energy only if and when you feel guided to

Here are some ways in which you can invoke the Violet Flame and heal from its energies.

1. Energy Companion

If you are going through a stressful period in life, request the violet flame to stay beside you like a gentle healing companion. All you need is to have it beside you. Nothing more. Its radiance will emit powerful energy and help you relax and heal. For this, you just have to request the energy in a few words like– “Dear Violet Flame, Please stay by my side and have me enveloped in your radiant light. Thank you.”

2. Violet Flame Bath

If you feel unwell or drained of energy, request violet light to wash over you from head to toe. Lie still for a few moments and allow the energy to work on you. Feel it purging your energy field of impure energies. Feel every cell in your body lighting up with health and brimming with fresh new energy. Alternately, you may visualise a huge violet flame in front of you. Step into this energy field and allow yourself to be bathed in a shower of healing violet light. Spend as much time in this energy shower as you feel guided to and then step out.
Deep Cleansing with the Violet Flame
Image by PeteLinforth

3. Healing with the Breath

You can use your breath as a means to breathe in violet light into any part of your body or energy field. For instance, if you wish to heal a block in your heart chakra, as you breathe in, visualise violet light flowing right into your heart chakra and healing the block. Similarly, you can breathe in violet light into any part of your body that is not in good health. And as you breathe out, release all toxic energies from that part of your body. Spend a few moments doing this breathing exercise. Alternately, pause to inhale violet light as and when you remember to.

4. Violet Candle Meditation

Light a violet coloured candle and look into its flame for five minutes or so. You do not have to do anything or say anything. Just looking into its flame is meditative and brings about deep cleansing. You can also have a violet candle burning in your vicinity while you lie down and relax requesting the energy to work on you as needed. Additionally, lighting a violet candle can help everyone who is yet to develop their visual skills. As you perform the above exercises, having a violet candle near you will help you connect with its energy easily.

As you work with the violet flame, please keep the following in mind:

  1. The Violet Flame can bring about intense healing and cause toxins to be released from the system. This can make you grumpy and fatigued if you do not take care. Whenever you work with the violet flame, ensure you keep yourself hydrated by consuming water frequently. Water helps to flush out toxins from the system.
  2. Practise Reiki alongside using the Violet Flame. Reiki being gentle will help to balance the body’s energies and induce a deep state of relaxation, thereby creating fertile ground for healing.
  3. Stay grounded. The more we work with higher energies, the more important it becomes for us to stay rooted to the Earth. Get outside in nature, talk to friends and family, laugh, have fun, walk around the block, do house hold work and devote enough time to all Earthly activities. If this balance is not maintained, our system will be overloaded with higher energies and can cause more problems than benefit. And that is not what we are aiming for. So, stay balanced!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Breastfeeding May Lower Multiple Sclerosis Risks for Mom

Mothers who breastfeed for a total of at least 15 months over one or more pregnancies may be less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) compared with those who don’t breastfeed at all or do so for up to four months, according to a study published in the July 12, 2017, online issue of Neurology.
“This is another example of a benefit to the mother from breastfeeding,” said study author Annette Langer-Gould, MD, PhD, with Kaiser Permanente Southern California in Pasadena and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. “Other health benefits include a reduced risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart attack.”
Women with MS have significantly fewer relapses, or attacks, during pregnancy or while they are breastfeeding exclusively, meaning that the child receives only breast milk.
“Many experts have suggested that the levels of sex hormones are responsible for these findings, but we hypothesized that the lack of ovulation may play a role, so we wanted to see if having a longer time of breastfeeding or fewer total years when a woman is ovulating could be associated with the risk of MS,” Langer-Gould said.
The study involved 397 women with an average age of 37 who were newly diagnosed with MS or its precursor, clinically isolated syndrome. They were compared to 433 women matched for race and age. The women were given in-person questionnaires about pregnancies, breastfeeding, hormonal contraceptive use and other factors.
Women who had breastfed for a cumulative amount with one or more children for 15 months or more were 53 percent less likely to develop MS or clinically isolated syndrome than women who had a total of zero to four months of breastfeeding. A total of 85 of the healthy women had breastfed for 15 months or more, compared to 44 of the women with MS. For the healthy women, 110 breastfed for zero to four months, compared to 118 of the women with MS.
Women who were age 15 or older at the time of their first menstrual cycle were 44 percent less likely to develop MS later than women who were 11 years old or younger at the time of their first menstruation. A total of 44 of the healthy women were 15 or older at first menstruation, compared to 27 of the women with MS. Additionally, 120 of the healthy women were 11 years old or younger at first menstruation, compared to 131 of the women with MS.
Image shows a person with a TMS machine.
The total number of years a woman ovulated was not associated with risk of MS. Neither were other factors that would be part of that number, such as number of pregnancies, use of hormonal contraceptives and age at first birth.
Langer-Gould noted that the study does not prove that breastfeeding is responsible for the reduced risk of MS; it only shows the association.
Limitations of the study include that the women were asked to remember information from years earlier, so they may not have remembered everything correctly, and that the reasons for not breastfeeding or breastfeeding only for a short period of time were not investigated.
“This study provides more evidence that women who are able to breastfeed their infants should be supported in doing so,” Langer-Gould said. “Among the many other benefits to the mother and the baby, breastfeeding may reduce the mother’s future risk of developing MS.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Reiki for Couples

Offering Reiki to couples is another way of bringing healing to our clients. All you need is two Reiki practitioners, two tables and good intentions.
My husband (also a Reiki Master) and I have been offering this treatment option for several years. The way we organize the session is to create a peaceful, loving environment, complete with candles, soothing music and soft sheets. We place the tables somewhat apart from each other, with a screen between them.
Each client completes the brief consent and intake form. We talk to them together to explain Reiki, how the session will occur and to answer any questions. It is not unusual for one person to have already experienced Reiki, and the other one not. One aspect that my husband and I are modeling is being open and comfortable with discussing Reiki together.
We take turns explaining that about three-fourths of the time will be spent on each individual. Then, we will sit beyond the screen and send Reiki to the relationship itself, for the remaining portion of the session. In a way, there are “three persons” in the room – the independent partners and the interdependent relationship. Often, the unresolved issues of each partner is the cause of discord in relationships.
Each partner chooses a table, and in essence, choosing if they want to receive Reiki from my husband or me. Again, both of us ask each one separately if there are any other questions. We speak quietly, and with the music playing, one cannot hear what his/her partner is saying. After the client is comfortable, we silently set our intentions to heal whatever is needed to bring the highest good to the relationship. Both of us are able to see the wall clock, and we know approximately what time we need to end the individual’s portion of the treatment.

Silently, we walk to our chairs, set another intention for the highest good of the relationship and finish the session. Each of us will quietly walk to the tables and gently let our clients know the session has ended. We ask if there is anything they need to tell us, briefly, before the four of us meet together. While we want to encourage communication between the couple, it is also necessary to give them an opportunity to share something individually, if needed.
The couples’ conversation may be the most important aspect of the treatment! There is a palpable excitement between the partners, talking about the energies and emotions they had. We see many smiles, eye connections, and loving touches. We hear lots of “wow’s”“unbelievable’s”, and “we’ll definitely do this again.” Even those who have experienced Reiki previously report a more powerful experience; we attribute this to sharing the experience with the person they love the most, and receiving Reiki for the relationship itself.
Reiki challenges us to be creative in the many ways it can be utilized, while staying within the realms of practicing Reiki with integrity and purpose. Receiving massages as a couple is very common – it is relaxing and can bring feelings of harmony to a couple. Why not Reiki for couples? We believe Reiki can bring a deeper level of healing to relationships, by healing aspects of each person, and bringing healing to the interactions within the relationship.
If you are interested in doing this work, but practice alone, find another practitioner who would be willing to work with you to offer these treatments. It will be important to make sure you agree philosophically and resonate energetically. Work out all the minor details and present as an unified team – you do not have to be a couple, to work with couples!
As we all know, world peace will begin within our hearts, grow within our homes and expand out to the rest of the world. Perhaps, Reiki for couples may be one of the most powerful ways to create peace in our world.

Monday, July 10, 2017

5 Ways Reiki Can Deepen Intimacy

Human touch is a powerful force. From handshakes, to hugs, to sex, physical touch is an essential way in which we establish and maintain relationships.
When used consciously and with loving intent, the power of touch can deepen connections in profound ways.
Everyone has heard the cliché of trading massages with your partner, but what about trading Reiki sessions? Even if your partner isn’t a Reiki practitioner, simply giving Reiki to your partner is a transcendental, highly intimate experience.
5 Ways Reiki Can Deepen Intimacy
5 Ways Reiki Can Deepen Intimacy
  1. It adds a new dimension to intimacy – It’s intimacy without the sex, which most people rarely engage in (if at all). Reiki between partners can be an open door to many new expressions of intimacy.
  2. The comforting factor – Reiki allows for complete surrender, vulnerability and openness between both parties.
  3. Enjoying the gift of giving – Giving just feels good, and giving to someone you deeply care about is intensely gratifying.
  4. Having common goals – Facilitating each other’s healing means that you’re working towards a common goal, which is major sign of a healthy relationship.
  5. It’s a new experience – Chances are that giving your partner a Reiki session will be a novel experience, which keeps things interesting and sustains the honeymoon effect.
So here’s the takeaway; schedule a Reiki session with your partner within the next week. It will undoubtedly take your intimacy to the next level.
Because we all know it’s better than just zoning out in front of the TV with that special someone, right?
Love and blessings to you.

16 Ways to Manifest Money with Reiki

s I always say, Money is an integral part of our life. Apart from our basic needs, we need money to live the life we envisaged for ourselves and for our family. The extra income is always helpful to fulfil our desires and goals. Aren’t we all always on a look for the ways to increase abundance in our life?

Here are some methods to manifest more money into your life:

1. Reiki Box
Reiki box is that magical and sacred box in which you put all your intention slips together and give Reiki to the box. To heal your money issues, make intention slips with appropriate symbols and heal the box daily. You can write your own intention or pick affirmations from here. Do not put any punctuations or commas when writing your intentions. OK, so Reiki box is magical but that doesn’t mean that you put an intention stating of being a millionaire within 10 days ☺
2. Heal your Wallet/Purse
It is easy. Just hold your wallet in your palm and give reiki with set intentions or affirmations. Those who are attuned to symbols can use symbols freely.
3. Heal your Cash, Cards and Bank accounts
You can put energy ball on cash, cards, and bank accounts with set intentions or affirmations. Alternatively draw symbols and give Reiki to cash, cards, and bank accounts. Draw symbols on the cash you receive, cash you give, checks/cheques you write, your bank accounts, your stocks and shares and other investments.
Manifest Money with Reiki
4. Reiki Candles
Infuse the candle with Reiki and set intentions or affirmations. Let the candle burn away all your money blockages and negativities.
5. Distant Symbol
Use the distant symbol to heal the past blockages and obstructions related to money. Send Reiki to future situations, future finances, send positivity, and remove possible blockages.
6. Money Crystals
Here is the list of Money Crystals that you can use to attract abundance. Take a crystal, cleanse and program it to attract more and more money towards you. You can wear this crystal in the form of bracelets, pendants or earrings keeping it near your auric field. I make abundance bracelets and wear it. You can place the programmed crystal in your house and work place. Leave a stone in your money drawer or cash register.
7. Magic Money Box
Make a box with mirrors glued inside the box. Place the things that symbolize money inside the box (cash, real jewelry, money crystals, energy circle or switchwords). Here is the procedure to make Magic Money Box.
8. Crystal Grid
Create a Crystal Grid, make intention slips just like you make for Reiki Box and place it on the grid. You can use ‘money crystals’ to attract more abundance for your grid.
9. Switchwords and Healing Numbers
Chant the switchwords DIVINE FIND COUNT to attract more money. There are more switchwords and healing numbers for money, prosperity and abundance but the above ones being the easiest, I use that mostly. You can write switchwords and healing numbers on a paper, draw reiki symbols, hold the paper between palms and give Reiki to it. You can make energy circles by writing your name, switchwords and healing numbers inside a circle. Make sure the circle line is not broken or over-lapped. Alternatively you can get a printout of energy circles provided on websites such as You can place this energy circles under your pillow, stick it on the wall or charge your food and water on it by placing plate or bottle on it.
10. Remove Money Blockages
Take a black tourmaline, black obsidian or black onyx. Cleanse and program it to remove negativity and blockages related to your wish and transmute it into Divine light. Infuse the stone with Reiki. Write your wish on a piece of paper and draw symbols on back side. Put programmed stone over it. That’s it.
11. Space Cleansing
Cleanse your home and work space with power symbol and by placing energy ball in all corners. You can also use sage, incense sticks, rock salt or camphor lamps for space cleansing.
12. Symbols
Draw Reiki power symbol, emotional symbol, distant symbol, Vasudha symbol, Midas Star, money symbol or Zibu prosperity symbol on a paper. Put this paper in your purse or wallet in such a way that every time you open your wallet/purse, you can see it. Think of money, prosperity and abundance whenever you see your paper. You can place this paper on cash register or anywhere in front of you.

13. Angel Cards/ Tarot Cards
Pick cards that resonate with your money issue or abundance wish. Draw symbols over it and put it under your pillow every night.
14. Piggy Banks, Money Box, Bill files
Charge your money box, piggy bank and bill files with symbols and Reiki. Place programmed money crystal inside your piggy bank or money box. Place it over your bill files.
15. Angels
Call upon Archangel Ariel, Archangel Raziel, Archangel Barakiel or Abundantia Angel to delete and erase all the negative effects regarding money created by your actions, beliefs and thoughts. Ask angels to connect you to right people who can further help you with your job, business and career.
16. Animal Spirit
Call upon Squirrel, Frog or Crane. Carry their pictures with you, save the pictures as wallpaper or screen-savers. Squirrel, frog, and crane open money sources required by you.
Manifest Money Now ☺

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Using Reiki

We are what we feel. Think about this for a moment. We are what we feel.
How are you feeling today? Are you relaxed and ready to start your day or tense and worried about work, home, kids, money? If you are falling more toward the low end of the scale, how can you find balance and bring more light into your day? Did you know you could use Reiki to raise your vibrational frequency and improve your day, your week, your life circumstances? You can and here’s how!
Feeling positive emotion increases your energetic vibration. Think of people you meet on a daily basis. You can tell the difference between those who radiate calm and confidence from those who are stressed, anxious, and tense, right? Now place yourself on that scale, where do you fall? Somewhere in the middle, or closer to one side or the other? Be honest. It doesn’t matter what side you land on. What matters is that you have the awareness and the tools to positively increase your vibrational frequency and improve your day.
Here’s how it works – If you are radiating a low frequency, your perception is low. Your ego restricts the natural flow of energy and connection to universal intuition and love. You feel constrained by negative thoughts and your world is small.
In contrast, when you radiate a high frequency, your perception is heightened. You radiate pure love and it raises the consciousness of those you come in contact with. You are open and see the world and its opportunities for growth through a much higher consciousness.
In order to raise your vibration, choose your thoughts carefully. Pay attention to and focus on your positive feelings. Feel emotionally good. Use Cho Ku Rei to connect to energy, taking yourself to a safe and happy place in your mind, if only for a few moments. I like to go to the beach, but you can go anyplace that brings your peace and lightens your mood. Use your powerful mind and all your senses to fill in the details. Hear the rhythmic ebb and flow of the surf, the squawking gulls- feel the sun on your face and let grains of sand sift through your fingers. If your not a beach person, any good imagery will work. Call on your memories of your cat’s crazy antics while chasing a butterfly in your yard, put yourself on the side of a mountain watching the sunrise, or next to a happily babbling brook with the smell of pine. Feel better? Good then you’ve got the idea! Now take that good feeling and try to carry it into your day. If you practice this on a regular basis, you will be able to summon this place of peace anytime you need it..
To keep your newly raised vibration, you may find it helpful to remember that you can send Reiki to anything. Having a rough day at work? Send Reiki to that continually ringing phone or slow moving computer. Place a Reiki infused crystal on at your workstation to focus on or hold during tense times. Holding a good vibration at work can actually improve the quality of your phone or computer collaborations. You’ll have a better day and your clients and coworkers will too. Tell the universe, “This is going to be a great day!”
Even though we do our best to surround ourselves with positive people, there may be times when this is not always possible, particularly in the workplace. When interacting with those who may not be as attuned to your positive vibration use unconditional love and focus on the good you can see in them. Their bad mood is usually not about you. They are often struggling with things we can’t even imagine. Take a mental step back and observe from an emotional distance. Be fully present and interact without judgment. Strive to see them as healed and happy. Focus on what can and will be. If you are a practicing healer this is especially important. It is difficult, if not impossible, to heal without being able to envision the patient as being restored back to health.
Remember that you are human and sometimes will get your feelings hurt. If this happens, discharge that bad energy. Acknowledge it and move on. Talk to someone trustworthy who understands or write your feelings down on a slip of paper. Fold it up and put it in your pocket. If you want, you can tear it up or ceremonially burn this later. Most importantly ask the universe, your higher power or the angels (whatever works for you) to remove the “bad” energy and direct your attention to what your abundant future holds.
If you are really stuck in negativity, meditation may be the best way for you to reset. It is easier to replace negative thinking with positive if you can halt the process by first clearing all thoughts. Use Reiki to quiet and clear your mind. Connect to energy with Cho Ku Rei and ask your spirit guides to assist you. They are just waiting for you to ask! Brush negativity away with Sei He Kei using long downward strokes.
Try this meditation exercise: Sit quietly in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Breathe deeply, full, long calming breaths, moving fresh, clean oxygen down deep into your belly. Listen to the sound of your breath Grow roots from your feet to the floor below you. You are completed grounded and supported by Mother Earth. Relax and empty your mind of all thoughts. Feel your connection to the chair through your root chakra. Now imagine a pure white ball of healing Reiki light starting from your feet and slowly making its way up through your body. See the ball rising up your legs and hips and connecting with your root. Let it slowly rise up your spine through your sacral, your solar plexus, your heart, your throat and third eye chakras, exiting through your crown and clearing any blocked energy. Sit quietly, alive with vibrant energy and breathe. Inhale Reiki healing and gratitude for your blessings. Exhale letting your breath take with it anything that no longer serves you.
Here are some methods for channeling positive emotions to increase your vibrational frequency. Use the ones that work best for you.

Drink Reiki charged water

– encircle your drinking glass by connecting your thumbs and the tips of your fingers. Breathe deeply and use Cho Ku Rei to infuse the water with the pure Reiki energy from your hands. Drink.*Make conscious positive choices*. Ask for guidance in the form of oracle or angel cards. I often use the Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards because they are encouraging and supportive. Choose one card and carry its positive message with you for the day!

Listen to Music

– it has power to lift a dark mood quickly. Dance if you can. It will release stagnant, stuck energy in your body and elevate your mood. Move a muscle, change a thought!


– find humor in your situation. If this is difficult for you, it may be time for you to get out and socialize with like minded people. If you have never tried a Reiki healing circle now is the time!

Connect with Animals

– interacting with our pets is the absolute best spirit lifter ever! Throw a ball, take a walk, play tug or just plain cuddle. It’s great for both of you!

Get out into Nature

– you don’t have to hike Yosemite. Just grab a chair and sit on your back stoop. Let Reiki flow and listen to the sound of the breeze whispering in the trees. Get as quiet as you can. You may hear a message if you listen closely!

Finally, use positive affirmations to create and manifest prosperity and blessings in your life

– “Abundance is coming.”, “I enjoy a full and abundant life.”, “I have a happy and safe home.”  are just a few that work well for me. Make up your own affirmations based on what you want to see manifested in your life.
If you are consistent with applying these tools you will see an immediate improvement in raising your vibrational frequency. It is so simple, but requires your continual attention. The thoughts of a lifetime are sometimes slow to turn around. Be patient with yourself and keep trying! There is a huge payoff waiting for you.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Additional Cleaning and Protection Techniques

Cleaning rooms and spaces with Reiki is, indeed, an excellent idea and procedure. Nevertheless, sometimes we need to push the cleaning a little bit ahead and additional methods are to be used:

• A copper Gong, with 60 to 70 cm diameter, is a good tool to start cleaning a room. Just sound it strongly three times and you will see the pattern of the energy change. You can easily check that by using a Tibetan bowl before and after the use of the Gong, the sound of the bowl will last longer and will be more equilibrated after sounding the Gong.
• The use of a Tibetan Bowl (with 20/25 cms diameter) is also another way to clean spaces. If the space is charged with negativity, you’ll notice that the sound of the bowl will drop very quickly. If you have a Tibetan bowl, you can gently sound it several times and watch the sound progressively extend but, you have to be very careful when choosing the bowl, as the majority of them available today have a very poor quality and are more for tourists. A good bowl can be either one from Peter Hess (use the all purpose bowl), the pioneer of Tibetan Bowls Massage as we know it or, a bowl that allows you to listen, at the same time, to high and low pitched notes, together with an whow, whow sound that lasts long. The sound from the bowl will expand progressively and, as cleaning progresses, you will be able to listen to it even when sounding very, very, low.

Additional Cleaning/Protection Techniques
• A mixture of camphor and alcohol (9 stones of camphor for 1/2 liter of 96º alcohol) is good to clean spaces. The mixture should be used in a very thin spray, directed high to the ceiling, and without droplets. This mixture is highly corrosive and will damage varnish, plastic and even aluminum if in contact with them. Don’t use too much quantity as it will have the opposite effect, instead of cleaning the negative energies, will attract them.
• The mixture of alcohol and camphor described above can have its effect enhanced if you add 9 cloves of garlic and allow it to macerate for several days. The smell is a little bit tough but, it works well and will not last for very long.
• To clean yourself, with the camphorated alcohol, just put a small quantity in your hands and pass them all over your Aura (star on the face, then Crown chakra and then downwards to feet). You can also give a quick smell to the mixture but be very careful as it is very toxic. Also, you can spray a little over your head as if showering.
• Once you have cleaned the room/space, you can maintain a cleaner ambiance by using a transparent glass of water (plain glass, without any drawings, effects…) in which you put a handful of raw marine salt, sugar and water. The glass is placed in the corner behind the door leading to the room (if the door opens from left to right, the glass is placed on the right, behind the door and against the wall). When the water dries, clean the glass and refill it.
 You can also burn a mixture of herbs (always in an odd number, 3, 5, 7,…) like laurel, garlic peel, rosemary, salvia, mandrake root or others with the same effect/objective. The important point here is to use only an odd number of plants. I generally use these mixtures if really needed or if the space is a new one I’ll start using. A good cleanup, before you start working, is essential.
• Aurosomas can also be of a good help, you can purchase the Aurosoma of Serapis Bey, for instance, and dilute it with distilled water (50/50) and use one or two sprays of this mixture.
• The use of the Antahkarana Symbol, in your working room/space, will enhance your protection if placed at a maximum distance of 1,2 meters from your Aura.
• Of course, the burning of incense is a good help, I generally use the blue variety from NAG CHAMPA.
• If you feel the need to do so, when working, you can use a white candle together with a glass with marine salt and water. The glass is placed on the right side of the candle. The glass should be plain transparent glass. Always change the water when air bubbles start accumulating.
• Ammoniac can be used also as a cleaning agent but use it together with the Aurosoma or with incense.
• Crystals can be used to create a working space with given characteristics but their use depends a little on the relation you establish with them. Anyway, you can use these ones: Amethyst; Serafinite; Clear Quartz; Smoky Quartz; Quartz Geode; Black Tourmaline; Selenite Tower.

Additional Cleaning/Protection Techniques

Now let’s see a couple of things about protection.
Many Masters recommend, for protection, the use of the blanket of light or the cocoon with golden or rose light, that’s fine and correct, the point is that these “elements” have to be flawless and uniform and, unfortunately, many people don’t have the visualization capacities to provide such a uniform cocoon and don’t achieve, as a result, a proper protection.
As I consider protection to be one of the essential aspects of treating others, during my first level Reiki courses I teach the Cho Ku Rei as I consider its use to provide the best protection.
The protection with CKR can be achieved by two different methods. The second one is my favorite.
First method:
  • Draw mentally a CKR and place it: on the Crown Chakra, then on the Solar Plexus Chakra; then on the right and on the left of the Solar Plexus Chakra and, a last one, on the Root Chakra.
  • Then, draw a big CKR in front of you, as if it was a wall and then cross it. Don’t forget to repeat thrice its name anytime you place it.
The second method (already described in previous articles, is my favorite):
  • Draw a big CKR in front of you (try to finish it in front of your Solar Plexus Chakra);
  • Seal each Chakra with a CKR starting from the Root Chakra and ending on the Crown Chakra.
  • If you feel so, you can ask the energy to seal also the back Chakras.
  • In case you are not very experienced and fear negativity, in addition to steps above, you can also use the CKR shield on your back, left and right sides and under your feet, building this way a CKR cage around you.
Personally, I never felt the need to do this last step but, I understand some people will feel safer this way. For me, to deal with negativity is a part of our job as Reiki practitioners, we have to be careful and handle negativity “step by step” as, the more negativity we deal with, the stronger we become.

Remember, when treating others with Reiki, you are not alone. You are the channel used by Masters and Guides here on earth and, accordingly, they will also provide protection to you. The point is that you have, also, to do your work to be an adequate channel. Just for today, I TRUST!


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Please sit in relax position and listen this special Frequency!. It will bring abundance of Prosperity, remove all blockage between you and your wealth. No matter how many times you listen it will be good for you.

If you like this and get some benefits please give your comments so i will upload more videos related.

The Power of Setting Healthy Boundaries with Reiki

Setting healthy boundaries with people is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It is empowering, is a form of self-love, is a form of self-respect, is a part of your self-esteem and can help you quickly ditch the negativity in your life. The power of using Reiki to help set these boundaries is nothing short of magical.

Have you ever noticed how you feel when people force their own opinions and ideals on you, have no boundaries of their own, and expect you to be at their beck and call?
These people feel that things need to happen in your life how they want. They may even try manipulation, guilt or scare tactics when they feel their control over you is slipping or face resistance from you of any kind.
A classic example of this is what I call the Adult Toddler Tantrum in which an adult will jump up and down and scream and yell thinking that you will back down and shy away from standing up for yourself. Usually, when this happens you are left feeling upset, unbalanced, feel taken advantage of and can easily slip into a negative place. Especially if you feel you have no choice but to remain in contact with these types of people for one reason or another. These people may be acquaintances, friends, or even family. They are suffering from their own insecurities and issues and being in control of you makes them feel better or deflects from them having to fix their own issues. Please remember that you teach people how to treat you. Instead of allowing yourself to be sucked into a bad place teach them that you love and respect yourself. You are in charge of your own life and how you will be living it. Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder.
Please remember that you teach people how to treat you. Instead of allowing yourself to be sucked into a bad place teach them that you love and respect yourself. You are in charge of your own life and how you will be living it. Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder.
Set your boundaries and keep yourself moving up the vibrational ladder!
The power of setting healthy boundaries with Reiki
Reiki is an amazing tool to use when learning how to set healthy boundaries with people. It is peaceful, loving, and all knowing. However, my favorite part is that Reiki only works for the greatest good of all. You don’t have to worry about ego bringing about false results. We as Reiki Practitioners are simply the vessel that the Reiki energy flows through. Because of that we can just sit back and let the awesome power of Reiki lead the way to improving our lives.
Different ways to set healthy boundaries with Reiki:
  • The Direct Approach: For setting healthy boundaries with people who make you uncomfortable first set a meeting time with that person to talk and then send distance Reiki to the future time. Do this by simply making the distance symbol and beaming Reiki to it for a few min. When the time comes make a power or master symbol over your Throat chakra before speaking to this person. This will help you to speak clearly and peacefully. The greatest good will occur.
  • Learn to say NO. Saying no is not selfish. It teaches other’s that you are in charge of yourself and love and respect yourself. To help you do this envision yourself standing in front of a crowd of people. They are asking you uncomfortable questions in which you want to respond no to. Make a Master or Power symbol over this bubble. Then answer each person nicely, directly and firmly with a simple, “No.” No explanation is needed. Allow yourself to feel how empowered you feel responding this way. Sit in this feeling of empowerment for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Once you have practiced this a few times start using this approach in real life.
  • Distance Approach: If you do not want to speak with someone directly picture a bubble of white light in front of you. Envision that you and this person are both in the bubble together having a peaceful conversation. You are telling them what you are ok and not ok with nicely. Make a Master or Power symbol on this bubble and beam Reiki to it for a few minutes. Notice how things may start to slowly change with this person out of nowhere. Doorways may suddenly open up to where peaceful conversations may be had. Be real in these peaceful conversations and let people know what you are and are not ok with.
  • The Fast Cleanse Approach: If you have tried different methods and nothing works allow yourself to completely let go. Sometimes some of the greatest lessons in our life are how to let go of people and move on to our own better place. Parting from them allows someone better to come in and take their place. Write their name down on a piece of paper. Make a grounding symbol over it and throw the piece of paper in the trash can. Say, “I release this person and attached emotions from my life with love and peace.” You may do this exact same thing but put their name in a glass jar with salt. Make the same statement as above, make a Master or Power symbol over the jar and beam Reiki to it for a few minutes. Then, simply toss the whole jar in the trash can. You are free!
Setting healthy boundaries is not a selfish act. It is an act of love for yourself and for others. People that cannot respect your boundaries do not respect you. This is true of family members as well. Do not let a label such as mother, brother or aunt keep you from loving and respecting yourself. Reiki opens doors, carries love and is always for the greatest good of all. Allow it to help bring healthy boundaries to your world.

Free Money Reiki Attunements attract money in your life

Friday, July 7, 2017

Clearing Traffic with Reiki

I live in a city which is quite famous for its haphazard and terrible traffic, amongst other things of course. I started hating going out, started ONLY ordering online stuff rather than going out. It made me quite lazy and cranky too as I was not getting enough fresh air, wasn’t meeting people and was staying indoors always.
So once it so happened that I was in my car and stuck in crazy traffic, cribbing and rolling eyes. I asked my guardian angels to guide me to clear traffic. The very next instant I thought of actual traffic clearing method and I knew this was definitely guidance by my guardian angels.
Clearing Traffic with Reiki
So here is one of the best methods to clearing traffic-
1. Draw HSZSN and intone its name thrice. Say “Connect to _____ (your destination)’.
2. Draw HSZSN again and intone its name thrice and connect to all the vehicles that are on the way till ____ (destination).
3. Draw CKR and intone its name thrice. Put intention to clear all the traffic till your destination. Draw CKR again and intone its name thrice and put another intention that all the vehicles on the way till ____ (destination) reach their destination smoothly and safely. Just let the Reiki flow now.
That’s it. I have started using this method whenever I am out in traffic now. I cannot say it works 100% for me, but yes it has definitely worked approximately 80% of the times.
Whenever Reiki could not clear the traffic, I knew this is for my highest good. I am supposed to be here in this traffic rather than at a wrong place at wrong time.

Ho’oponopono – The Magical Words

There are so many of us trying to find answers to many questions. We have known and tried so many spiritual practices and methods but there seems to be some missing link. We have read books but always feel the link is missing.

Well I went through similar upheaval a month ago and was just guided to use this meditation through various signs including my friend sending me book screenshots, another friend inviting me for a group Ho’oponopono exercise and finally “bumping” into a video about it on youtube. Like a good girl I took this as signs and especially so because I felt I had reached rock bottom. And the results were unbelievable. Peace of mind, cheerful attitude towards life and most importantly hope and faith that all is and will be fine.
Ho’oponopono is an old techinque which comes from Hawai. It is not just a technique but if embedded in day to day life can create miracles. It acts like an internal shower or bath cleaning every bit of our systems.
Ho’oponopono has created miracles. Right from Dr Hew Len who cured an entire batch of criminally insane patients without meeting them to every common man who has had achieved 100% results. So what is this about and how is it done?

Ho’oponopono is an easy technique which frees us from all kinds of negative emotions and any destructive patterns which we may have picked up. It requires no formal training or initiation or a teacher. All you need is a quiet place, time about 15-20 mins and an open mind and willing attitude.

How to Do It

  1. Sit in a quiet comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Take a couple of deep breaths.
  3. Now think of a problem bothering you. It could be anything. Right from a troublesome boss troubling you or that colleague who took away your promotion or that guy who duped you charging extra money for your purchase or that ex who has hurt you badly and no longer is in your life or age old best friend with whom you fought.
    Think of the situation. Draw DKM and HSZSN connecting to the concerned person.
  4. Think deeply about it and feel the emotions. Yes it could be and will be a bit painful but you have to think about it. Invoke the SHK symbol here.
  5. Now say 4 magical sentences in the same order
    ‘ I am sorry
    Please forgive me
    I love you
    Thank you’
  6. Keep repeating these four till you are fully satisfied and feel lighter. Draw a CKR to add power.
  7. Or you can set an alarm for 15 -30 minutes and keep repeating these 4 sentences.
  8. You can alternatively use the person’s picture, it works very well too.
  9. Finally seal with a Cho Ku Rei.
Ho’oponopono works across time and space and creates positive vibrations resolving even the toughest of issues, as they say It Is Love in Action!
Here is wishing you all the best as you Ho’oponopono:-)

Reiki and Travel Wishes

Many of us have the wish of traveling around the globe. I had this wish when I was in 9th grade. And till now successfully I have seen 18 countries and count is on. Some people actually feel this is really boring and they actually love to be home. But still somewhere in deep down there is a wish to go somewhere and see something or it could be a visit to a religious place. Today we are going to talk about how Reiki ritual helps to fulfill our traveling wishes.

Air is the element which is everywhere and that is the element for visualization and travel. Even though we travel by ship or road, this is the element we need to make stronger for fulfilling travel wishes. So, before I tell you about the ritual, there are some of the things required for this ritual. Take one yellow paper (easily foldable), one yellow thread and pencil or pen. Now, calm yourself and think about all the traveling wishes you have. Find the most important from that and decide the date and everything related to this and note down on the rough paper. Don’t use yellow paper now. And decide final one wish for now.

Reiki and travel wishes

  • Now just relax yourself and start the Reiki flow.
  • Draw all 4 symbols on the 4 corners of the paper. And then take this paper in your projective hand and face east and say “this is my tool of transportation” and repeat this in each direction.
  • And take a pencil and write your destination.
  • Draw the symbol on the four sides of the destination.
  • Hold this paper for 5 minutes and give Reiki energy and visualize that you have already reached the place and what you want to do there.
  • Afterwards, make an airplane from this paper and fly it from any window and release the energy.
  • And then get it back and with the yellow thread, hang it near the window till you leave home for that journey.
This exercise could also be done if you want to move to the foreign country or want to have a journey but you are not able to go for any reason. This clears all the negative energy. This is for all kinds of travel, not only for air travel.

Reiki while Traveling

One common disruptor of regular Reiki practice seems to be traveling. Many people today travel quite extensively for work, and this creates a disruption in their schedules, time crunches and fatigue. While most people are aware that Reiki practice will help quite a lot in the difficulties travel creates, many are often simply too exhausted to sit down for a half to one hour, falling asleep within seconds even if they try.
What many of us forget is that we don’t have to wait until we reach the hotel room, to practice Reiki. One of the most beautiful aspects of Reiki is the fact that it can be done anywhere, and also in parts if needed. Contrary to the idea that travel makes Reiki practice harder, in reality travel gives us to practice hours of Reiki, much more than we would in a normal day!
The Disadvantage of Traveling
Traveling disconnects the Root chakra from the earth and leaves us terribly ungrounded. Many of us have probably woken up from deep sleep completely unaware of where we are, when we travel. This happens because our energy is disoriented and not anchored in our body.
Being ungrounded has several other disadvantages, some of which are dehydration, incapacity to think on the move, feeling restless and a feeling of disconnection from those around us. All of these can be easily dealt with if we simply practice Reiki during our journey.
Reiki While Traveling
It’s Really Easy
It may not always be practical to heal all chakras during a journey, but not all the chakras have to be touched to be healed. As such, it is the lower chakras that are affected the most during a journey, so even simply placing your palms over your Root or Sacral chakra for a major chunk of the time can be enough. However, the full-body self-healing can also be done through imagination, where one might place their palms over one position, say the root, thighs or knees, and request the energy to flow to another chakra. This way all the chakra positions can be healed one by one.
And You Can Do So Much More!
Self-healing during journeys is extremely powerful since very rarely do we get the time to practice hours of Reiki otherwise. This can bring about deep healing and also resolve long-term issues. Apart from self-healing, we can also take the help of Reiki in various other aspects of our travel.
  • If you have completed your level 2, Reiki can help with ticketing difficulties. If you’re on a wait-list, request Reiki to help and things will somehow work out.
  • Once the dates of the journey are confirmed, you can send distant healing to those dates so that the journey is safe, smooth and effortless, and if you have travel companions, that you enjoy each other’s company and are a cohesive group.
  • Long journeys which require us to be seated can cause poor circulation and the phenomenon of ‘heavy legs’. This occurrence is remarkably rare when Reiki is practiced continuously. When we heal our thighs and knees, Reiki ensures that circulation remains healthy and there is no pain or heaviness in the legs, and feet do not freeze.
  • Airplane food (or packaged food) is dehydrating and low on energy. When we heal this food, we help the body integrate it better.
  • If you find it difficult to fall asleep in a seated position, request Reiki to flow to your shoulders and the back of your head, and you should be asleep in no time.
  • Simply flood disturbing co-passengers and screaming children for quick relief in a troublesome journey!