Well, you will think why this as a topic? Without wisdom tooth, there is no wisdom. I am kidding. This has become a common pain to most of the people who are in their 20s and 30s. Recently, I have gone through 2 wisdom tooth surgeries. I have healed my teeth with Reiki for 6 years and postponed the surgery. I have cleaned them so much that the cavities have been minimized and no longer bothering. The only thing I had to go through the surgery because there was no space for wisdom teeth to come out properly and they were halfway from last 6 years, so have to be very careful when eating. Then I met my dentist and he said me to remove it as anyway it does not help in chewing. All the last teeth on both sides, so total 4 are known as wisdom teeth and they appeared after the maturity. In some people, they come out in their thirties.
Wisdom teeth are the symbol of all the hidden thoughts or things in our life. All the teeth are the symbol of our attachments which cannot be released easily and remain lifelong. My Reiki teacher told me that they are the relationships and issues which we cannot leave easily. For example, that could be your first love or any family member that is now no more in your life, you have moved on in your life, but still some bad memories which you have not let go. There could be any relation. Also, there are some secrets which are not good memories. They appear in the form of cavities and they stick to you unless you really let them go. White and clean teeth means you are having really good in every areas of the relations. According to the Vedic Astrology, all the teeth also represent your family relations and peace with wealth. If you clean your teeth, these things will surely improve. With many meditations, we can heal these memories and let them go. Therefore, my cavities also decreased to a certain level. And after my surgery, I got to know that there are some acupressure points below these and they add value in the process of digestion. So, remove them only if extremely needed. So, I am writing this for all the people who are facing this currently. I used to do pranic healing with Reiki for this cavity healing. Pranic healing cleaning is only done if you have learned it; else do directly the Reiki. You can use this method for any tooth cavity and pain
Pranic Healing cleaning (only people who have learned this can perform)
- Make salt water to put all negativity.
- Stand on the ground. Make sure your tongue is stuck to the inside top of the mouth.
- Think that your whole body has minimized to one foot and it is in front of you.
- Now, do the whole body cleaning by the cup and comb method. (learning is required)
- As this pain is mainly attached with Third Eye chakra and Throat chakra, clean both of them with pranic and do all the area cleaning near the wisdom teeth.
- Put all the bad energy in the salt water while performing this process.
- Now, clean your hand and cut the cords with your small body and let it be again at its place.
Reiki time
- Sit or sleep on the ground or bed with a mat. We want to preserve the energy so, no direct touch with the ground.
- Do your Reiki prayer and call the angels to guide you in this meditation.
- Close your eyes and start the Reiki energy flowing through all the chakras.
- Now, put your hands on the parts which have pain or cavities and send Reiki.
- You can do distance Reiki too, but touch helps you feel the energy moment to improve your visualization and thought process.
- See, all the teeth in the Third Eye and see the cavities.
- See the cavity tissues and cells and the bad DNA and bacteria which are causing you pain.
- Give the Reiki energy and see that white divine light is removing all the bacteria and virus and all the dead cells from the body with your exhaling process.
- Fill each and every cell with this divine energy to fight any future attack by this cavity.
- Feel the gratitude for the teeth which helps you to chew and thank all the angels for guiding.
- Give once more gratitude for teeth as they add up value to your smile. And give a smile to Reiki angels and to your Reiki teacher.
- Feel the cleaned teeth and clean them regularly after every meal.
- Open your eyes.
With this meditation and cleaning, I would like to recommend you some herbs which help cleaning this.
- Lukewarm Salt Water: You should do gargles of this after all eating. At least at night before sleeping to clean all the germs.
- Alum (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O): You can use this by warming it with water and gargles of it.
- Coffee: Coffee is very effective in this. You can warm coffee seeds with water and gargle with it.
- Camphor and Clove: Put camphor piece in clove oil and rinse cotton with this oil and put it where you have pain.
- Turmeric: Use turmeric powder in your food and with cotton at the place if you have any swelling or inflammation.
- Neem leaves: Though they are bitter in taste, chewing them (2-3 leaves) daily can help you to get away from all the tooth diseases.
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