
Friday, May 27, 2016

Being Aware of the Negativity You Allow in

Negativity is something that I have covered a few different times here on Reiki Rays. There are always so many questions surrounding negative energy. Once people realize that their life is being affected by negative energy it is usually because the level of negativity has gotten so strong that the client is left feeling desperate and in crisis mode. It is not noticed until it is completely overwhelming. This is because negativity creeps in slowly. Although possible it rarely takes over your life overnight.
I’d like to discuss how to stop negativity in its tracks before ever getting to need to do a large cleanse, aura sweep, cord cutting, psychic surgery, etc to rid your life of darkness.
How does negativity sneak in? Negativity sneaks in by infiltrating everyday activities. It slowly starts to come through television shows that you watch, music that you listen to, movies, books, newspapers, facebook, etc… Once it starts coming through it will slowly build and start to “zap” you. One of the ways it most commonly does this is by sucking away your energy. You begin to feel tired all of the time. You may start to have problems sleeping at night. Because you are more tired than usual you may start to eat more convenient fatty foods that hold a low vibration. You then start to attract other people that hold a low vibration and/or your relationships with people at a high vibration might start to suffer. Depression often sets in and from there it is a very slippery slope.
This example is not meant to scare you but to bring awareness to how easy it is for negativity and lower vibrations to enter your life.
Negativity You Allow in

Choices you can make to keep negativity out of your everyday life:

1. Pay attention!
2. Do not entertain anything that is negative. Again, this goes back to pay attention! Notice what is playing on your television, computer, phone, radio, etc. Believe it or not television shows, movies, music, chatrooms, etc all carry a vibration. Is it high, positive and loving or is it low and dark? Only allow/watch things with a positive vibration.
3. Trust your gut! If something instantly makes you feel depleted it is most likely something with a lower vibration.
4. Keep your home and work environment clean. Negativity attaches to clutter. Don’t give it a spot to cling to.
5. Use Reiki to routinely cleanse your home about once a month. I always suggest doing it the first week of every month. This welcomes in the new month with a fresh start as well.
6. Surround yourself in a “spiritual condom” with Reiki. Think of it as a white light that nothing dark can penetrate. Visualize a white light surrounding you. Say something like, “I surround myself in the white light of God’s love and Divine protection.” Pick something that matches your own personal beliefs. Make one large Master or Power Symbol over this white bubble. Do this every morning or at night when you are going to bed.
7. Get crazy with Reiki! Send it to your food, your animals, your plants and yourself!
8. Keep in contact with like minded people who can lift you up on a bad day.
9. Have no fear. Be confident and know that white light is power.
Wishing you all love and light.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Soul Teachers

A Soul Teacher is someone who helps our soul grow and evolve during its time on Earth. These are the people who seemingly push our buttons and make us angry, upset, sad and a whole myriad of emotions that sometimes overwhelm us. These are the people whose presence can turn our lives into a roller coaster ride. These are the people who may have humiliated us, abused us or wronged us in a hundred different ways. These are the people who act as our mirrors and show us exactly what we deny in ourselves. On a positive note, these are the people who challenge our thinking and help us widen our perspective. These are the people who teach us how to love unconditionally and to forgive. These are also the people who encourage us and help us bring out our talents and potential. And lots more.
All of us have many soul teachers during our lifetime. We in turn are soul teachers to many others.
Soul Teachers could be one or more of the following
1. Parents
2. Grandparents
3. Children
4. Siblings
5. Romantic partners
6. Academic teachers
7. Spiritual teachers
8. Friends and family members from our extended network
9. Bosses and co-workers
10. Animals and pets
11. People who help us and the world in different ways
12. Just about anyone else who helps us grow through negative or positive interactions.
Our parents are often our greatest soul teachers. Children who have difficult childhoods make the choice to experience the same well before they incarnate. The soul chooses the set of parents who can help it accomplish its agenda for a specific lifetime. Children who have happy childhoods also learn different kinds of lessons from their chosen set of parents. Irrespective of whether the soul chooses happy experiences or unhappy experiences, the bottom line remains the same- LOVE.
Romantic partners are also great soul teachers. Someone who feels unloved and rejected by a partner must learn the lesson of self love. So, his or her partner is serving a purpose by creating the necessary conditions for that soul to learn about self love. When we love ourselves and are happy with ourselves, we automatically attract the partners who would be able to share that love and happiness with us.
When partners are able to accept their differences and love one another unconditionally, that is a lesson in unconditional love. In the extreme case of abusive relationships also, the lesson is love, though it may not be apparent on the surface. Pain is a teacher. Pain forces people to take stock of their lives, to heal their hearts and to open up to true love again. This does not indicate that one must hang on to abusive relationships. It is perfectly fine to walk away from any kind of abuse. However, rather than get caught up in drama, we can reflect to recognize the lesson that an abusive relationship brought us. Once we recognize the lesson, half the job is done. The remaining job is to heal any pain we may be carrying and set ourselves free. This can be done even after one walks away from abusive people.
While some soul teachers help us grow over years, others may cross our path for just a few moments. Many of us have experienced a moment when someone’s words had a great impact on our lives and probably changed a part of us forever. We may not even know such people personally yet they help our soul. We may happen to meet them in unexpected ways, never to encounter them again.
It is common for many of us to get so entangled in drama that we fail to recognize the valuable soul teachers in our lives. The more someone puts us off, the greater the growth opportunity they present to us. Being aware of this can help us recognize the soul teachers in our lives. As Reiki practitioners, we know that Reiki gently leads us on to the path of spiritual growth. It brings all kinds of challenging people and situations into our lives, while also removing many that do not serve our growth. Everything that Reiki brings to us is a blessing, even when it appears to be far from one.
So, what can we do when we recognize a soul teacher?
  1. Look for the lesson that the person or situation is presenting to us.
  2. If it is a negative experience, we accept the lesson by healing all associated pain and proceed to make some positive changes in our lives (if necessary).
  3. If the experience is positive, we see how we can integrate more of that positivity into our own lives and thereby make it more meaningful and inspiring.
Making the above changes becomes easier when we also practice one or more of the following:
  1. Daily Reiki practice
  2. Meditating
  3. Journaling
  4. Requesting help from guides and angels
The first step is to recognize that someone is a Soul Teacher. Do you recognize your Soul teachers?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wisdom Tooth Pain and Reiki

Well, you will think why this as a topic? Without wisdom tooth, there is no wisdom. I am kidding. This has become a common pain to most of the people who are in their 20s and 30s. Recently, I have gone through 2 wisdom tooth surgeries. I have healed my teeth with Reiki for 6 years and postponed the surgery. I have cleaned them so much that the cavities have been minimized and no longer bothering. The only thing I had to go through the surgery because there was no space for wisdom teeth to come out properly and they were halfway from last 6 years, so have to be very careful when eating. Then I met my dentist and he said me to remove it as anyway it does not help in chewing. All the last teeth on both sides, so total 4 are known as wisdom teeth and they appeared after the maturity. In some people, they come out in their thirties.

Wisdom teeth are the symbol of all the hidden thoughts or things in our life. All the teeth are the symbol of our attachments which cannot be released easily and remain lifelong. My Reiki teacher told me that they are the relationships and issues which we cannot leave easily. For example, that could be your first love or any family member that is now no more in your life, you have moved on in your life, but still some bad memories which you have not let go. There could be any relation. Also, there are some secrets which are not good memories. They appear in the form of cavities and they stick to you unless you really let them go. White and clean teeth means you are having really good in every areas of the relations. According to the Vedic Astrology, all the teeth also represent your family relations and peace with wealth. If you clean your teeth, these things will surely improve. With many meditations, we can heal these memories and let them go. Therefore, my cavities also decreased to a certain level. And after my surgery, I got to know that there are some acupressure points below these and they add value in the process of digestion. So, remove them only if extremely needed. So, I am writing this for all the people who are facing this currently. I used to do pranic healing with Reiki for this cavity healing. Pranic healing cleaning is only done if you have learned it; else do directly the Reiki. You can use this method for any tooth cavity and pain

Pranic Healing cleaning (only people who have learned this can perform)
  • Make salt water to put all negativity.
  • Stand on the ground. Make sure your tongue is stuck to the inside top of the mouth.
  • Think that your whole body has minimized to one foot and it is in front of you.
  • Now, do the whole body cleaning by the cup and comb method. (learning is required)
  • As this pain is mainly attached with Third Eye chakra and Throat chakra, clean both of them with pranic and do all the area cleaning near the wisdom teeth.
  • Put all the bad energy in the salt water while performing this process.
  • Now, clean your hand and cut the cords with your small body and let it be again at its place.
Reiki time
  • Sit or sleep on the ground or bed with a mat. We want to preserve the energy so, no direct touch with the ground.
  • Do your Reiki prayer and call the angels to guide you in this meditation.
  • Close your eyes and start the Reiki energy flowing through all the chakras.
  • Now, put your hands on the parts which have pain or cavities and send Reiki.
  • You can do distance Reiki too, but touch helps you feel the energy moment to improve your visualization and thought process.
  • See, all the teeth in the Third Eye and see the cavities.
  • See the cavity tissues and cells and the bad DNA and bacteria which are causing you pain.
  • Give the Reiki energy and see that white divine light is removing all the bacteria and virus and all the dead cells from the body with your exhaling process.
  • Fill each and every cell with this divine energy to fight any future attack by this cavity.
  • Feel the gratitude for the teeth which helps you to chew and thank all the angels for guiding.
  • Give once more gratitude for teeth as they add up value to your smile. And give a smile to Reiki angels and to your Reiki teacher.
  • Feel the cleaned teeth and clean them regularly after every meal.
  • Open your eyes.
With this meditation and cleaning, I would like to recommend you some herbs which help cleaning this.
  1. Lukewarm Salt Water: You should do gargles of this after all eating. At least at night before sleeping to clean all the germs.
  2. Alum (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O): You can use this by warming it with water and gargles of it.
  3. Coffee: Coffee is very effective in this. You can warm coffee seeds with water and gargle with it.
  4. Camphor and Clove: Put camphor piece in clove oil and rinse cotton with this oil and put it where you have pain.
  5. Turmeric: Use turmeric powder in your food and with cotton at the place if you have any swelling or inflammation.
  6. Neem leaves: Though they are bitter in taste, chewing them (2-3 leaves) daily can help you to get away from all the tooth diseases.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Grounding Practices for Balanced Reiki

It is really important to learn how to bring balance to your energy practices, and how to release excess energy. As helpful as Reiki is, it is also ungrounding and this can leave us off balance, particularly over time. Being ungrounded is a state of disconnection from the body, either mild or extreme. It can also be the feeling of excess energy running through the body, which can be experienced physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Being ungrounded can bring several issues. It can cause fatigue, vertigo, dizziness, or headaches. In some, it can create a feeling of floating or of being in a bubble. Most are familiar with this feeling from having a cold or the flu. It can also cause over-sensitivity to the environment, noise, light, or the emotional energy of others. Being ungrounded from an excess of energy can cause anxiety and nervousness. It can also cause static shock when touching objects. Ungroundedness tends to be worse in the winter when it is more difficult to get outside. Being outdoors naturally helps ground our energy.
When we are completely connected to our physical bodies, the Earth, and this physical dimension, we are able to collect energy from the Earth and also drain away any excess energy that our systems draw in or raise. This is called grounding. It brings balance to our energy system, especially when we have been in high energy situations (such as Reiki practice, or an argument), have been stressed, or overthinking..

Learning to ground by connecting to the physical realm, our bodies, and the Earth can bring stability to our lives, our healing process, and our practice. Reiki works so much with the upper chakras and high levels of upper dimensional energy, bringing awareness back to the lower realms is important to keep a healthy level of balance. Below are some practices you can incorporate that will help you reduce ungroundedness and bring in more balanced energy.
  1. The simplest technique of all: notice your body. Scan your body, noticing different parts. Notice your breathing. Take a moment to feel what it’s like to be fully in your body, all the way to your toes.
  2. Notice 3 things in your immediate environment. Maybe 3 things you can see, or 3 things you can hear or smell. Or one of each. Touch is very helpful for grounding, too. Run your fingers across the surface of something and notice the way it feels.
  3. Go outside for at least 15 minutes a day. Offer Reiki to the trees and the Earth. If you are feeling an excess of energy, direct that into a tree, perhaps placing your hands on it and asking the tree if it can help you to release the energy.
  4. Lie down or sit on the Earth for a few minutes to restore your own energy and release excess energy.
  5. If you do yoga, stand in mountain pose for a few moments, connecting to the Earth. As you finish, hold one palm toward the sky and the other toward the Earth, allowing the energy of the sky and the Earth to replenish you.
  6. If you have a tendency to be ungrounded, consider not having a lot of crystals in your home or on your body. Some people find that many crystals increase their ungroundedness and that removing them helps them feel better. In particular, crystals that work with the upper chakras may create issues for those who have problems with grounding. Some crystals have the opposite effect and actually help you to ground and balance. My favorite stone for grounding excess energy is Black Tourmaline. My favorite for bringing overall balance is Amethyst.
  7. Do some form of physical movement. Yoga can be helpful, as can walking or dancing. Find something enjoyable, that really helps you to connect with your body and your breath, rather than something that you simply want to endure and be done with quickly.
  8. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are excellent for balancing the energy and grounding. Even if you don’t want to do these practices as your regular exercise, consider learning a few of the breath and movement techniques, as they can help you understand how to connect the upper energies with the lower energies and vice versa.