
Monday, April 11, 2016


Zonar is a beautiful symbol and is part of Karuna® Reiki. In the symbol the 3 concentric infinity symbols stand for healing of past lives, karmic and inter dimensional issues. Though it is said there are other symbols which are much powerful than this, I personally find this symbol very useful, as it is bit subtle and helps in the initial phases of deep cellular healing.
Our cells carry trauma and painful memories from past life, because of which we face issues in our current life. Zonar along with the Usui distance healing symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used to release all the traumatic events from cellular level. Zonar brings the memories to the conscious level before releasing them to the universe and also amplifies distance healing.

This symbol also works very well when one wants to access their past lives. When Zonar is drawn on the Solar Plexus, it helps us to access our past lives where there is healing for trauma needed. It works as a spiritual and emotional anesthesia hence reducing the emotional pain, helping us to get rid of addictions, break repeated patterns and eliminating toxic relations from our life. Whilst accessing one’s past lives their Reiki Guides can be called for guidance.
This symbol along works wonders when Inner Child issues are being healed, especially people who have suffered from abuse at childhood. It helps in releasing the issues of shame and unworthiness from the subconscious mind and also the suppressed traumatic memories of the abuse. People may howl and cry when being healed for their inner child with Zonar but one should realize it is good to let it all out. Zonar is also used to call upon Archangel Gabrielle while healing child abuse patients.
Apart from the above mentioned Zonar is also used to heal body pains, relationship issues and epilepsy.

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