
Monday, April 11, 2016

Tests on the Spiritual Path

Reiki practice holds the potential for us to make rapid advancements on our personal spiritual path. As we journey from the first level to the Master level, we let go of unhelpful patterns and learn many lessons, often the hard way! The more we heal, the more we reconnect with the light of our Higher Self. On this journey towards light, we often encounter areas of darkness. This darkness is symbolic of our egoic self, which represents our disconnection from Spirit. When we identify more with our egoic self, we tend to feel stuck and fearful. When we are well connected to our Higher Self, we flow with life and weave our destiny along the way.
Becoming aware of this difference between our egoic self and true self (Higher Self) is a significant milestone on the spiritual path. But having this awareness does not always amount to living it. Even after years of conscious spiritual awareness, we can go off track and come face to face with our egoic self again. As we move closer to our Higher Self, the egoic self tries to block our progress. It does this by inducing fear or picking on the negative patterns of our past. As Reiki healers, many of us work endlessly on healing ourselves. But a few patterns from our past come back with a sudden vengeance and catch us by surprise. When this happens, it is often a sign of being put to a spiritual test.
The more spiritually aware we are, the more traumatic these tests can be, as we face a constant tug of war between light and darkness. We know it would serve us better to choose the light but the darkness can seem equally convincing as well. What if these dark energies hold some truth? After all, these monsters lived with us for long periods of time in the past. Our Higher Self embodies love and peace. We have consciously known this to be our true state of being for a shorter period of time. So, can we trust our Higher Self completely? This is the dilemma one will face while going through a spiritual test.
To pass these spiritual tests, we will need to make a conscious choice to stick with the voice of our Higher Self, no matter how convincing the ego’s voice gets. Healing work often culminates in a test. So, do not panic if you go through this. The stronger the pattern, the harder the test will be. This may seem like a harsh rule but is what will finally set us free.
The next time you face a spiritual test, ask yourself if you would like to stick with the same old pattern from your past and stay loyal to your egoic self? Or can you respond as your Higher Self and create a new reality? Be brave and take matters into your own hands. Make new empowering choices.

Here are four ways in which you can pass a spiritual test:

1. Eyes of your Higher Self

1. Light a candle. The light of the candle is symbolic of your Higher Self.
2. Use the Master Symbol to connect with your Higher Self. If you are not attuned to this symbol, use the distance symbol or just intend that Reiki helps you connect with your Higher Self.
3. Have the candle near you and view the troublesome pattern that has returned in the light of your Higher Self. You must look at the pattern like you are looking at another person or thing. You may give it a form if you wish to.
4. When you observe a pattern in this state of higher awareness, you will be looking through the eyes of your Higher Self. You will know that the one who is watching this pattern is much bigger than your limited self. When divine awareness shines its light on darkness, the latter is automatically transformed.
5. Keep looking and shining your inner light on this pattern until it dissolves.
6. In the light of your Higher Self, make an affirming statement that indicates a new choice and a new reality.
For instance, if the pattern that is presented to you in the test is related to past fears, your affirming statement could go like: “I now choose courage and safety. I create a reality that is full of love and joy. This is my natural state and my new choice.”
If it is to do with love issues, you could state: “I now choose to allow myself the gift of love. Love is the natural state of my being and this is what I choose.”
7. State your intentions with power and intend from your heart to create a new reality.
8. You have made this choice in full awareness and hence it becomes part of your energy field, thereby creating your new reality.

2. Arts

If you are drawn to the arts, use dance, music or art to make these new choices a part of your being.
A healer friend and I once did a dance together, though which we expressed the tug of war between darkness and light. Through movement, we allowed ourselves to experience the confusion and turmoil that is experienced when this tug of war happens. We allowed our emotions to flow, experienced the distress it brought on and concluded by making empowering new choices- all through movement.
Alternately, you may use paint to express your anguish and also to represent your new choices. Get as creative as you wish to and also add a touch of Reiki to whatever method you choose.

3. Writing

If you enjoy writing, express your feelings in your journal. Make a note of what this test means to your growth and connection with your Higher Self. Channel guidance from higher beings if you wish. The act of writing will bring in more clarity. Finally, make a note of your new choices in writing.

4. Walking

If you enjoy walking, walk consciously and reflect on the test being presented to you. Be your own counsellor and talk to yourself (like your Higher Self would do). Understand the significance of the test being presented to you. With every step that you take, make a new choice to stick with your Higher Self. State your new choices aloud.
The patterns from our past that bothered us the most are the ones normally presented to us in these soul tests. Reiki does help in healing these patterns to a large extent, after which we must make the choice to create a new reality. For it is only when we make a new choice that we can finally be free from the past and all its baggage. The most empowering choices spring from our Higher Self. Make your choices, make your destiny!

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