
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Bury Your Blockages

Have you done everything you come across to bring peace, love and tranquility in life but to no avail? Have you tried all kind of abundance and prosperity rituals but got no result? Chances are, there are some blockages related to your goals and desires that is not letting you manifest your dreams. It is like a big boulder blocking a smooth and straight road, you just need to move that big boulder. That are many ways to remove blockages that hinders with manifesting it. One of them is burying your blockage. There are two ways to do it: bury in earth or bury under rock/Epsom/Himalayan salt.

Bury in Earth

Why bury in earth? The concept is putting your total trust in Mother Earth to remove all negativity and blockage related to your wish. It is quite similar to my article plant a wish. But here were are not going to write anything or wanting new things in life. This is solely to remove blockages related to your wish. You can perform this method on Full Moon too.
  • Think of what are the blockages that needs to be released- love, marriage, money, happiness, career, travel etc. Now pick one object that resonates with your wish. It could be a crystal, statuette, show piece or anything.
  • Draw Reiki symbols on it and connect it with the energies of Earth and Universe.
  • Hold it between palms and give Reiki to it. Ask Mother Earth and Universe to remove all blockages resonating and symbolizing the object. Ask that all blockages related to ______ issue be removed for your highest good and best intentions. State your intention clearly.
  • Bury the object in garden or in any plant.
Have faith that your issue has been taken care of.
Bury in Salt
Since ancient times, salt have been used to remove negativity. Here we will bury the symbolizing object in the salt to remove negativities related to your wish.

Take a big bowl filled with rock/Epsom/Himalayan salt.Method
  • Same as above, pick an object resonating with your wish, connect with Universe and give Reiki while stating your intention clearly.
  • Bury the object under salt in the bowl. Leave the bowl somewhere it won’t be disturbed.
  • That’s it.
Have faith that all the negativity shall be removed now.

Reiki for Haemoglobin

According to WHO Anaemia affects 1.62 billion people, of which the most affected are women and children. Even though anaemia occurs due to various reasons, Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world leading to anaemia.
Health is Wealth! Don’t you know that, haven’t you studied it in your school days?”
Well, it was very embarrassing to hear those from my doctor in front of everyone at the clinic lobby.
I just usually stare at my parents who try to give out the excuses to the doctor.
Next he gives me out a list of medicines (bigger in size) and repeats the same list of vegetables and foods I should take properly.
And another family doctor says, “It’s just your willpower that brought your college grades to distinction, at this level of haemoglobin we usually give them heavy medications.”
The same scene repeats itself wherever I go!
My mental levels were totally disturbed and I started to feel as if I was the only person who feels this turmoil all over me.
All my dental treatments were on hold for years, just because of my haemoglobin levels.
Yes! It’s just a number, but it brings upon adverse effects to our health like a chain reaction which in turn will affect our mental levels and quality of life.
Its when lately (but not too late), I realized that most of the disease was just in my head and I had been blaming others for not taking care of my health.
Yes, there is a way out of all this suffering with Reiki aiding us from inside to out!
We can feel full of energy and breathe effortlessly with Reiki’s magical touch.
There had been many experiments and surveys with proven, evidences that concludes, Reiki had helped in increasing haemoglobin levels.
Increasing your haemoglobin
Am going to share with you a visualization technique and practice that’s going to drive your haemoglobin molecules increased.
What you need to realize is very simple!
  • What you need to know is:Love your body, no matter how it is! (It’s okay to love your body, even though if you don’t look like a model)
  • Be aware of your body and listen to it.
Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra – This chakra is located at the base of spine.
Blockage of this chakra manifests as many diseases, including the blood related diseases, anemia.
Emotions related to this chakra: Survival and stability in one’s life.
Now you can easily relate to the understanding of this chakra, as the negative emotions and fear you absorbed from your surroundings will only add to the further decrease of haemoglobin levels and give you a shock.
What we eat, we become
As advised earlier by your doctors and friends, it’s true that the intake of natural foods gives you more positive energy and good nutrients for your body.
Eat Red
Eating red foods, especially healthy vegetables such as: Beetroot, tomatoes, berries, dates, apples, pomegranates, etc. along with the other natural foods that are advised to take according to the deficiency causes.
Breathe deeply with awareness
  • The initial symptoms that turn down us are tiredness, fatigue and breathing difficulty.
  • It’s due to the lack of sufficient oxygen to all your tissues that in turn affects the functions of the body.
  • Pranayama or other breathing exercises helps us to get rid of these symptoms getting worse.
  • Follow a 10 minute, deep breathing exercise daily with full awareness.
Reiki Visualization Technique
And finally, let’s move onto the Reiki visualization technique. Its very simple and I had given you an illustration below to follow up.
  • Prepare the space well by clearing out the negative energy by burning some incense sticks or smudging techniques that you usually follow.
  • Take three deep breaths and make yourself feel completely relaxed.
  • You can additionally use crystals such as Carnelian, Red Jasper, Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Hamaetite etc.
  • Invoke Reiki and give the deepest gratitude to all the angels, spirit guides, Reiki masters and the universal energy.
  • Draw a big Cho Ku Rei followed by the mental healing symbol Sei Hei Ki and state your intentions/affirmations clearly.
  • All my Red Blood Cells are filled with rich haemoglobin molecules and oxygen.
  • Reiki energy fills the haemoglobin molecules with pure light and oxygen.
  • Give Reiki to your Root Chakra/Muladhara Chakra and visualize yourself surrounded by a big ball of red light.
  • Keep repeating your affirmations, visualizing your cells being filled with the red light.
  • Give Reiki to other chakras as guided and seal it with Cho Ku Rei.
  • You can also draw the distant healing symbol and give Reiki to the visualized new haemoglobin levels.
  • Express your gratitude and feel your cells alive and nourished.
  • Feel yourself secured and grounded.
That’s not the end of it, continue your practice every day and feel yourself nourished with healthy cells and give gratitude to it.
And of course tomorrow you might share your successful health story to someone and light their hopes.
Eat Red, Wear Red and Shine Your Red Light from Inside
“Health is a state of body
Wellness is a state of being.”
– J.Stanford
Have a blissful blessed life always! Love and light to all!
Thank you! Te Amo

Monday, January 11, 2016

Free Reiki Session.

Reiki Session for all over the world remotely and distantly anywhere in the world for any problems any sickness, any depression. Kindly leave the comments and problem for you required the REIKI. We will send the group of love and divine light towards you.