
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Corona Virus Free Healing

Dear Friends.

I am offering you FREE Healing from CORONA VIRUS. Any body interest kindly please contact via email at or please type healing word in comment box.

If you are infected with this virus or for a preventive cure you can also take this FREE Healing session to make your immune system strong to fight against all kind of viruses.

As you are aware whole world now days in trouble specially our Chinese people so join this healing session and get well from all kind of disease.


Image result for karuna virus

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Free Reiki for Migrane headache

Reiki for Migraine headache..........

Free reiki healing session for all viewers and no matter how many times you view. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Healing for Moon Eclipse

Moon Eclipse put very bad effects on life to be safe from these side effects please listen this allow you higher self to flow the healing on your whole environment.

This healing will safe you from side effect of Moon Eclipse.

For more information please visit :

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Reiki for Couples

Reiki is wonderful for bringing in greater harmony and love between couples. Here are a few things we can do to improve relationships. Bear in mind though, that it is important to respect the law of free will in healing – you cannot try to form a connection with a person who is not interested without creating problems in your own energy and theirs.
If a couple is going through a difficult phase, the first place that shows energy disturbances is the bedroom. If the bedroom is messy, clean it up, either by yourself or with help from a friend. Cleanse the bedroom energetically as well. You could buy a small rose quartz ball and place it near the bed for additional energetic support. Make sure to cleanse it regularly though.
Almost all relationship problems happen due to a lack of proper communication, and with couples, also the lack of intimacy. Both the issues can be healed through meditation.
Communication problems are a result of improper listening, and this happens because we are carrying too much pain inside to be able to really listen to what the partner is saying. A problem always exists on both sides, and if there is a problem in the relationship that you seek to heal, lead by example.

Here’s how you can clear yourself so that you can listen better.

  •  Sit comfortably and enter a meditative state
  •  Become aware of all the things you dislike about your partner
  •  Become aware of how these are just your feelings, and that you are refusing to accept your partner as he or she is in this moment.
  •  Imagine the emotional healing symbol over your whole body a few times, requesting Reiki to completely heal and resolve your emotions. When those feelings aren’t strong anymore, or have completely disappeared, you are done.
  •  Make sure you also heal your ears regularly as part of your daily self-healing.
  • Lack of intimacy is a result of many problems. If stress is the main cause, then it is very important to make sure that your daily self-healing is regular, and if your partner is not a channel, give him or her a regular healing as well.
    To connect more deeply with your spouse, ask him or her to sit in front of you, and draw the distant healing symbol a few times between the two of you, till you feel a connection. Once this happens, draw the emotional healing symbol on both of you and request Reiki to heal all emotions. Finally, end with the power symbol to seal the connection between the two of you.
  • If your partner is also a Reiki channel and is happy to participate, one wonderful thing to do regularly is to sit facing each other and practice flooding each other with plenty of loving energy. You could do this just before the exercise mentioned above.
    Note: If you haven’t been attuned to the symbols, just request Reiki to do what is required. For example, instead of using a symbol to resolve emotions, simply request Reiki to resolve all the emotions. That will work just fine.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Violet Flame is a magnificent healing tool. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. It can help us feel stronger in all ways- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Keep in mind that the Violet Flame brings about deep and intense healing. It would be wise to use it only when you feel the need for deeper healing and cleansing. At most other times, it would suffice to stick with gentler energies such as Reiki and pink light. As always, you must trust your intuition and work with violet energy only if and when you feel guided to

Here are some ways in which you can invoke the Violet Flame and heal from its energies.

1. Energy Companion

If you are going through a stressful period in life, request the violet flame to stay beside you like a gentle healing companion. All you need is to have it beside you. Nothing more. Its radiance will emit powerful energy and help you relax and heal. For this, you just have to request the energy in a few words like– “Dear Violet Flame, Please stay by my side and have me enveloped in your radiant light. Thank you.”

2. Violet Flame Bath

If you feel unwell or drained of energy, request violet light to wash over you from head to toe. Lie still for a few moments and allow the energy to work on you. Feel it purging your energy field of impure energies. Feel every cell in your body lighting up with health and brimming with fresh new energy. Alternately, you may visualise a huge violet flame in front of you. Step into this energy field and allow yourself to be bathed in a shower of healing violet light. Spend as much time in this energy shower as you feel guided to and then step out.
Deep Cleansing with the Violet Flame
Image by PeteLinforth

3. Healing with the Breath

You can use your breath as a means to breathe in violet light into any part of your body or energy field. For instance, if you wish to heal a block in your heart chakra, as you breathe in, visualise violet light flowing right into your heart chakra and healing the block. Similarly, you can breathe in violet light into any part of your body that is not in good health. And as you breathe out, release all toxic energies from that part of your body. Spend a few moments doing this breathing exercise. Alternately, pause to inhale violet light as and when you remember to.

4. Violet Candle Meditation

Light a violet coloured candle and look into its flame for five minutes or so. You do not have to do anything or say anything. Just looking into its flame is meditative and brings about deep cleansing. You can also have a violet candle burning in your vicinity while you lie down and relax requesting the energy to work on you as needed. Additionally, lighting a violet candle can help everyone who is yet to develop their visual skills. As you perform the above exercises, having a violet candle near you will help you connect with its energy easily.

As you work with the violet flame, please keep the following in mind:

  1. The Violet Flame can bring about intense healing and cause toxins to be released from the system. This can make you grumpy and fatigued if you do not take care. Whenever you work with the violet flame, ensure you keep yourself hydrated by consuming water frequently. Water helps to flush out toxins from the system.
  2. Practise Reiki alongside using the Violet Flame. Reiki being gentle will help to balance the body’s energies and induce a deep state of relaxation, thereby creating fertile ground for healing.
  3. Stay grounded. The more we work with higher energies, the more important it becomes for us to stay rooted to the Earth. Get outside in nature, talk to friends and family, laugh, have fun, walk around the block, do house hold work and devote enough time to all Earthly activities. If this balance is not maintained, our system will be overloaded with higher energies and can cause more problems than benefit. And that is not what we are aiming for. So, stay balanced!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Breastfeeding May Lower Multiple Sclerosis Risks for Mom

Mothers who breastfeed for a total of at least 15 months over one or more pregnancies may be less likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) compared with those who don’t breastfeed at all or do so for up to four months, according to a study published in the July 12, 2017, online issue of Neurology.
“This is another example of a benefit to the mother from breastfeeding,” said study author Annette Langer-Gould, MD, PhD, with Kaiser Permanente Southern California in Pasadena and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. “Other health benefits include a reduced risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart attack.”
Women with MS have significantly fewer relapses, or attacks, during pregnancy or while they are breastfeeding exclusively, meaning that the child receives only breast milk.
“Many experts have suggested that the levels of sex hormones are responsible for these findings, but we hypothesized that the lack of ovulation may play a role, so we wanted to see if having a longer time of breastfeeding or fewer total years when a woman is ovulating could be associated with the risk of MS,” Langer-Gould said.
The study involved 397 women with an average age of 37 who were newly diagnosed with MS or its precursor, clinically isolated syndrome. They were compared to 433 women matched for race and age. The women were given in-person questionnaires about pregnancies, breastfeeding, hormonal contraceptive use and other factors.
Women who had breastfed for a cumulative amount with one or more children for 15 months or more were 53 percent less likely to develop MS or clinically isolated syndrome than women who had a total of zero to four months of breastfeeding. A total of 85 of the healthy women had breastfed for 15 months or more, compared to 44 of the women with MS. For the healthy women, 110 breastfed for zero to four months, compared to 118 of the women with MS.
Women who were age 15 or older at the time of their first menstrual cycle were 44 percent less likely to develop MS later than women who were 11 years old or younger at the time of their first menstruation. A total of 44 of the healthy women were 15 or older at first menstruation, compared to 27 of the women with MS. Additionally, 120 of the healthy women were 11 years old or younger at first menstruation, compared to 131 of the women with MS.
Image shows a person with a TMS machine.
The total number of years a woman ovulated was not associated with risk of MS. Neither were other factors that would be part of that number, such as number of pregnancies, use of hormonal contraceptives and age at first birth.
Langer-Gould noted that the study does not prove that breastfeeding is responsible for the reduced risk of MS; it only shows the association.
Limitations of the study include that the women were asked to remember information from years earlier, so they may not have remembered everything correctly, and that the reasons for not breastfeeding or breastfeeding only for a short period of time were not investigated.
“This study provides more evidence that women who are able to breastfeed their infants should be supported in doing so,” Langer-Gould said. “Among the many other benefits to the mother and the baby, breastfeeding may reduce the mother’s future risk of developing MS.”